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(Same-ish note will be added on the other book I released)

Mhm. Hello~

How long has it been now?
Ages? Decades indeed. Yeah!

I don't know where to begin tbh.

But Let's start off with something more personal haha

Anyone who reads my stories should keep in mind, this was written by a 15/16 year old back then.

I'm sorry for real. I don't know what I was doing and just wanted to write and improve my English.

But I too don't wanna delete these anymore. So I will not.
I might even continue this one here

but on a different path and plot and whoever does not like some spice in their story... should not read it ^^ I'll make sure to age up the Y/N character to not make it... super weird yk.

Perhaps I'll wrote different books from now on or just keep updating this one or REWRITE it, honestly what do you guys think I should do?

Continue ? Or rewrite it from start on ?

Anyways I'm pretty open for any questions. I'll get a bit into more detail in my other book in the update post because this one seems to be more problematic...  o_o

Anyways. Glad... to be back?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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