Do you remember me?

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The car stopped. Gavin turned around "alright. Come on".
You got out the car and looked around. The fog was pretty low over the ground and you couldn't really see into the distance. Gavin walked to the door and ringed the bell.
"Fancy...tch" he crossed his arms.
You stood behind Gavin. The door was opened by a RT600 Model , known as Chloe.
"Gavin Reed. I am here to see Elijah Kamski" Gavin said.
Chloe made some space "I will let Elijah know you're here".
Gavin stepped inside and you followed him quickly.
Chloe seem to remember you and gave you a soft smile.
You smiled and followed Gavin to a chair where he sat down.
Chloe disappeared into a diffrend room.
"Wasn't that the first Android which passed the Turing test?" "Yeah" you nodded.
"I remember here...somehow when i was here she was always around me" "Wait so you didn't stay at Cyberlife ? You were here?" "I guess..." you mumbled.
"Can't remember why exactly... doesn't matters now anyway" "Maybe he used you as-" "shut Up..." you growled.
Chloe opened the slide door "Follow me please".
Gavin got up and you followed him.
Kamski sat at the huge window in one of the chairs.
Two others Chloes were in the pool.

Gavin walked behind Chloe and made Eyeconact with Kamski.
"Detective Reed. Current Partner of Rk700. We are for some questions..." Gavin said in his nicest tone. Well at least he tried.
"Yeah I already have been waiting. Hows it going with him? Also please take a seat.." Kamski said.
Gavin sat down and you stood next to his Chair and looked down.
"Everything is okay with him" "I understand it's difficult to work with a Deviant and also one who is in his teen ages right?" "Yeah..." Gavin nodded.
"Does he have a name?" "Yeah... (Y/N)".
"(Y/N)... do you remember me?" Kamski asked and looked at you.
You looked up at him and nodded "Kinda..".
He chuckled and got up and walked around you.
"The question I wanted to ask..." Gavin asked and pulled out the Tablet book from yesterday. "What model is he from these two?" "Well" Kamski started.

"Actually you were supossed to be a WK400 model which is one of the Protoypes for the Eden club. You were the 5th one on we worked a bit more to make it more realistic with success."

You flinched "What?" Gavin looked up "So he actually is a Sex android and if infer this right... you tested him?". ((ALEXA - PLAY DESPACITO---))
Kamski nodded "But then we decided to also add a Program for the Criminal Activities. We tried to delete the other one but it didn't work.
Before we could have restarted you , you became a deviant and ran off" Kamski explained.
"Oh great and now you cant restart me anymore because I already know too much & ugh... FUCK" you walked up and down.

You looked over to one of the open door and saw a huge bed.
You stepped back , you remembered this.

"Gavin can we go..." "not yet" Gavin said "You can wait in the front room" Kamski said.
You quickly left the huge room and closed the door behind yourself and waited.

It felt like ages as Gavin came through the door. "Lets go" "What did he tell you" "something you shouldn't question now move" Gavin said and pushed you along in front of him outside.
You came outside and blocked his way to the car. "You have something in your pocket" "Get the FUCK out of my way" "not until you tell me what that is!".
"I swear if you don't move I WILL MAKE YOU MOVE!" He yelled.
You stood there and glared at him. "Alright. You're getting on my nerves" Gavin pushed you against the car and held up a small Remote control.
"Maybe you remember that?" "N-no-" you mumbled.
"Its a Remote control for your Model for sex and if you can't behave I will use it heard me?" He said and put it away.

You couldn't really take him serious.
He let go of you and pushed you out the way and got in the car.
You also got in and played around with small Ball until you arrived at his Home.
You got in and sat on the Sofa.
Gavin closed the door and looked over to you.
You didn't care and turned your back on him , grabbed the shirt he gave you and changed.
"Tch... So he really had it with you" he said.
You took on the shirt and turned around "Are you sorry for me or what?" "No that's just so pathetic. Why didn't you just fought against your Code during this time".
"I couldn't and if you aren't sorry what are you then?" "Its just Hilarious... you seriously had it with a guy...".
You took off your pants and took on the TOO short pants.
"Jealous?" You turned around and faced him again.
"What did you say?" Gavin hissed.
"Let me guess. You're jealous because you're a virgin and I am no more?".
Gavin stared at you and took out the smoll remote control and held it up "Don't make me do it..." "You can't scare me.." you said and crossed your arms.

"Fine... you wanted it" Gavin said and took a look at the Remote and clicked one of the buttons.

Something felt weird.
Your abdomen felt weird. It felt strange. Slowly it got stronger and you held your Crotch.
"What the fuck...! What you doing?!" You looked to Gavin.
"Ah... it feels weird ... stop" you curled up on the Sofa.

Gavin walked to the sofa.

"That's called.... being turned on...."


Are u shook- cuz I am- what am I WRITING HERE...
well okay no warned you sO.
I need to make progress and nO that's not the turn in their Relationship.
It comes Soon. That's just Gavin Harassing Reader because uh.
They are some specific Android.

i fixed it in every chapter now into Gavin. Not Garvin xD

So yeah. Tomorrow I will continue 😥👉👉

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