The Chase [1]

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As soon as the car parked you ran into the department and nearly ran into Connor. "Easy there..." a familiar voice came from behind Connor , it was Hank.
"S-sorry..." you mumbled and stepped a lil back. As you looked back , Gavin also finally made it inside and walked past Hank and Connor with a short Glare at them. "How is Detective Reed Treating you ?" Connor asked out of no where as he caught you staring after him.

Hank's attention was caught by that question aswell , even tho he tried no to show that.

"Well... actually... fine..." you mumbled , thinking about that dream you had before.
Connor narrowed his eyes and nodded. "I heard you are going on Patrol , good luck" Connor finished and started walking towards the door.
Hank sighed , as if he wanted to say something but it wouldnt come out so he just pat your shoulder & followed Connor.

You sighed and followed Gavin to his Desk.
"Good morning DT. Reed..."
You twitched and looked next to you "RK900? How did you get here?!" You stared at him but he ignored you.
"Whatever Nines..." Gavin typed a lil on the Keyboard of his computer and got up "Let's go".

He packed a couple of stuff and left with you & Nines.

On the car ride around Detroit you could relax a lil , Since Gavin seem to hold himself back driving so fast.

The car stopped at a coffee shop and Gavin got out "Nines you stay , (Y/N) you're coming".
A lil startled you hesitated but got out aswell and followed him. "Why are we here...?" You asked and walked inside with him "One of the Deviants you chased the other day was seen around this area... and I need another coffee. Keep your eyes open." He said and walked to the counter.
You stood near the door , looking outside.

As if they would still be here...

You ruffled your hair and kept your eyes out on the street. "Hold up..." you touched the window and looked closer.
There they were , the Care taking android & the Child...

You looked back at Gavin who seem to had noticed it aswell as he looked over to you & nodded.

Quick you left the shop & walked after them,  keeping a distance to not scare them away...

[To be continued]


Hello my dear viewer...

I know this chapter is very short but I just had to update it because alot of people asked me to.
Remember. This is not only a fanfiction. It's a story. So chapter can also be a bit boring... like this one. I'm sorry.

And please consider that I'm a also a very busy person. My exam might be over but I still have school for 3 weeks. If something doesnt go by plan then I'll might have to take a 1 year hiatus because I need to get a job.

So please. Be patient for updates. Sometimes I have time and ideas but mostly I wanna write but have no ideas OR motivation.

I would be thankful if you guys would maybe give me some ideas how to continue the second part if this..

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