Cold Water

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The two ran across the streets followed by you and Connor.
Connor started falling back a bit , you were faster?

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" You chased them into an alley "Model AX400! Stop right THERE! It makes no sense to run off like that!" "You won't understand it!" She replied and pulled out a gun.
You held your hands up but she pulled the trigger and the bullet hit your leg.
"Tch!" You fell to the ground i to the Dirt and watched them escaping over the Fence.
A water drop hit your nose and it started Raining.
"Fuck..." you growled and watched Connor & Hank coming.
"(Y/N)! Are you... shit you're bleeding" Hank said.
"I am sorry...i.." You started but you already got picked up by Connor.
"Don't apologise. You couldn't know it would shoot". "You got pretty dirty tho..." Hank sighed "Gavin won't be happy about that... you have to shower since you don't self clean or anything" "And even if I could...i can't because I don't have something like that in my programm" you mumbled.

Back at the Department you stood outside.
Gavin stood infront of you with Hank. "Just let him shower at your place..." "tch.. fine" Gavin growled and pulled you to his Car.
At Gavin s place he ordered you to go around the house into the Garden.
"Take your clothes off..." he said and stood on the wood Balcony.
You saw the Water hose in his hand. "Yeah that was exactly what Hank meant... shower..." you glared at Gavin and took your shirt off.
You stood there in Boxers and looked to Gavin.
"I am sorry but I font think you need warm water right?" He turned on the water and held the Water hose right at you.
Cold water hit you and you jolted and started shivering.
"I didn't knew androids feel Cold" "I do..." you said shivering and tried to stay still.
He came down closer to the grass and walked around , Soaking you all over.
"You have such a Girlish body... are you sure you're a dude" "You wanna tale a look what..?," "Wait you actually have a-" Gavin held the Water hose away and stared at you.
You looked up a bit confused and nodded.
"Whatever... stay still" You said and held the hose at you again.

Finally he stopped and threw a Towel at you. "Come on.." he said and waited at the Balcony door. You came up the few stairs and waddled into his house.

That was strange... why didn't he go first and waited.

"Don't androids also have this thing on their... stomach?" "You don't have it... why?" "I don't know... ask Kamski or something..".
"Bring your clothes in the basement to the Washing Machine. I will give some clothes..." Gavin said and left upstairs.
You took your clothes and did as you were told.
As you came upstairs again you saw a Shirt & some jogging pants which were Thigh high laying there.
Gavin stood at the Stairs , leaning against the wall and watching you.
"Youre kicking me aren't cha?" "I have no other clothes left I am sorry. These shorts aren't mine" "oh let me guess... from some Bitch you fcked here or what" "who knows.." He looked around.
You growled and took the shirt and put it on. It was pretty big for you.
"Do you have a kink for that or something or why...?" "Put it on or I will take it back and kick you out" Gavin said again.
You groaned and took on the shorts. You pulled them down constantly as you walked around because they kept going up.
"Hows your Wound? I thought Androids can heal themself" "Yeah but my Functions aren't the same as by other androids. Mine heal slower".
You looked at the Bandage Hank had put on out of Frustration because it didn't stopped to bleed.

You sat on the Sofa and took the blanket and pulled it over you.
"There's something to eat in the fridge..." you mumbled as you heard Gavin walking upstairs.
"I bought it on the way back to the Department".
You saw him walking to the Fridge and took out the Package with Chinese Noodles.
He left upstairs and shut the door upstairs.

You sighed smiling "Just imagine ... he's thanking you... just imagine it" you said yourself and fell into the pillows.
You reached to the little switch and turned off the light and went into Stand-by


Maybe someone already knows what's going on heh-

And since only one voted I will take this vote/Idea

There will be a Romantic relationship coming up between Reader & Gavin
But also a Father Relationship between Reader & Hank AND Connor who actually try to tell you it's not good to be with Gavin etc etc- he's a bad guy- bla bla-


But reader WON'T LISTEN...
so yeah

Hope you're enjoying this story as much as I do writing it   :)

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