Don't think of me as your Buddy

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The next day you came to the Department and waited alone infront of the door.
Gavin' s car Drove near the side walk.
He opened the door from inside and waited "Get in. NOW." "What about RK900?" "He's not there today. NOW get a move on... we don't have time". You nodded and got in the car.
He drove normal not like the day before.
"What's up today?" "Patrol" he said and parked somewhere.
He got out and started walking along the street.
You followed him running until you caught up to him.
The two of you ended up in a Cafe were Gavin got his Coffee and you two stood outside.
You looked at the people passing by with their Androids.
"Youre supossed to be like them too remember that so dare to Disobey me" Gavin said while he intensely looked at you.
You turned around "Don't forget... I am a Deviant..." You looked at him in a cold and annoyed way "I am following my own rules... and only listen to you if I think I have to...".
Gavin flinched and grabbed your jacket and pulled you closer "If I were you I would be careful..." He said and moved his hand to his gun.
"Same to you..." You said and also moved your hand to your gun.
Garvin growled and let off you , finished his coffee and left along the street.
You stood there for a moment longer.
You sighed and walked the way Gavin left on and looked around.
You stopped as you saw someone beating up their Android for letting something drop on the floor.
"OI! PLASTIC PRICK! OVER HERE!" You heard Gavin yelling.
You walked around the corner and saw him standing next to Blue blood Traces.
"Do your job" he ordered.
You scanned the area and followed the Traces he couldn't see to an side alley. Gavin took the lead and walked infront of the entrance of the alley.
You heard a steps and a gun bring loaded. "DETECTIVE!" You pushed Gavin away and heard the shot.
The bullet hit your shoulder and you saw the blue blood splashing through the air.
You fell and crawled to the next wall.
Gavin ran into the alley and you heard gun shots.
The deviant ran past you out the alley.
Gavin stopped next to you and shot one more time and hit the Leg of the Deviant with a bullet.
You held your shoulder and demanded reinforcement.

Gavin was talking to the other officers & detectives while your Shot wound was being taken care of. An officer brang you back to the Department and you waited outside with all your stuff since the Lieutenant only allowed you to stay 2 days.

You sighed and watched the dark clouds passing by , hoping it wouldn't rain.
You couldn't inside longer than until 08:00 pm so you still had 1 hour to think about where you could spend the next few nights.

Aruging came from inside.
The Captain & Gavin came outside.
"YOU'RE taking him with you Reed! I don't wanna hear any more of it or you can quite!".
Captain Fowler returned back inside and Gavin walked past you "Come on now." He growled.
You grabbed your stuff and followed him to his car.
Gavin suddenly turned around and pushed you against his car and grabbed your jacket and came very close "Listen! I am ONLY taking you with me because I am ORDERED TO... so don't think I will treat you like a Buddy or something..." he hissed.
You blinked "I understand that Detective Reed" you grabbed his wrist and made him let go of you and pushed him slightly away from you "I wasn't thinking as a buddy of you anyway. More a Forced Friendship" you said calm , opened the Car door and sat on the back seat. Gavin slammed the door close and got in by himself.


Hey hey heyyyy ✌

How's the story-
I hope it's fine xD

I just found out... GAVIN is Born in the same year as I am BUT JUST 22 days older than me xD

okay question to you

-Should I keep this a more Action Criminal Story ? (No love JUST getting a closer Relationship to others)
-Should I add an Relationship (Romantically xD) between Reader and Gavin (Or Connor- or I dunno)
-Should I add an Son & Father Relationship between Reader & Garvin or Connor OR HANK...or ?

I need to know or I will decide this myself and I don't know if people are satisfied with that... so yeah

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