How about getting up?

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The car stopped at a house.
Gavin got out and already walked to the house but left the door open.
You got out the car and looked around and then also walked into the house.
There was a strong scent of Smoke was inside. You coughed and closed the door behind you.
"If you're already here make yourself useful. Do house work or something I have to work here" Gavin took his computer and sat down at the table.

The house was a mess and you couldn't stand that smell of smoke.
You walked to every window and opened it "JUST so you KNOW. I am doing that because I want to and have to live with you now" "thehe... sure" Gavin grinned and typed on the Keyboard.
You walked through the house picking up Bottles or other stuff and threw it either away for put it in a Bag to wash.
In the kitchen you turned on the Dishwasher and cleaned the Counter. You saw that Gavin was watching you with an amused grin in his face.
"Didnt you had work... to do" "Shut up this is way more entertaining so stop complaining or I cut your leg off your something" "Says the one who has no knife in his hand..." you swung a knife in your hand and pointed at him "If you don't keep Working we won't get further with this whole stuff".
Gavin groaned and turned around to face his computer again.

After you were satisfied with how it looked inside you sat on one of the chairs in the Kitchen.
"You sleep on the Sofa. There a Guest room but since you aren't a human you can't sleep there" he said grinned as he walked past you upstairs.

You grumbled and took your bag to the Sofa.
You still had some clothes to wear for the next day which you already lie over a chair were you put your bag on near the Sofa.

You sat on the Sofa and scanned the room , nothing interesting to find.
You heard steps and Gavin came back downstairs.
"Watcha lookin at hm?" He snapped and walked to the Fridge.
How couldn't you look a bit confused when he walks through his house without a shirt on and just his Boxers on.
You shaked your head and got up the close the windows again.
"Do you mind smoking near the windows or balcony...?" You asked as you walked past him.
"Tch... whatever" he said , grabbed a Beer & left upstairs.
"Turn the lights off when you go stand-by or whatever , heard me?!" He yelled.
"Got that..." You turned off the big lights and left the lil desk light next to you on.

You leaned against the pillows and looked to the ceiling.
"Meow..." "?" You looked around and saw a cat coming in the House.
"Must be his cat..." You mumbled and scanned the cat "but no Android cat...".
The cat ran upstairs and you saw how the light turned off.
He must have been waiting for the cat...

You turned off the Desk light and went in the Stand-by

As if you blinked you opened your eyes again you 'woke' up again.
It was about 06:10 am and you got up , changed your clothes and quietly walked upstairs.
Not surprised you stood at the door at Gavins room and saw him still sleeping and snorring.
You grinned and walked downstairs again.
At least you knew how to use a Coffee machine and already prepared a Coffee. If you're going to work with him , your bond has to become better and not stay like this. That won't work out.
Once again you walked upstairs into his room & rolled the Curtains up.
He already groaned and turned around "Good morning Detective Reed" you said in a strong loud voice and tried not to laugh as he tried to hide under his blanket.
You pulled the blanket away "How about getting up?" "" he pulled the Pillow over his Face.

You left his room and waited downstairs.
After a few minutes he came downstairs fully dressed up , glaring at you and sat at the table.
You saw him already opening his mouth to say something but you already put the Coffee cup next to him.
"The...fuck.." he blinked a couple of times.
You stepped away and waited.
The cat walked around your legs and purred. He started drinking and scrolled through his phone.

When he was done he also gave his Cat something to eat , grabbed an apple and walked out the door.
You grabbed your bag for the day , followed him out , closed & locked the door AND got in his car.
"We are the whole day in the Department so don't get on my nerves. Maybe someone can take you for today. You're annoying enough here" he looked to his house and started the car.

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