Behave or get punished ...

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"A-ah... !" You curled up even more. "S-stop... it- a-aHn!" You shivered and covered your mouth.
"Is it that intense for you...? That's not even max..." Gavin said and sat on the edge of the sofa , watching you curl & twitch.
"Turn-... IT OFF" you hissed and leaned into the pillows. "Take back what you said.." "hEh... but it's the truth so what would it change..?".
Gavin clicked another button and you flinched. "N-ngh!" You rolled on your stomach and looked over your shoulder to him.
There was no expression you could read in his face.
"F-fine I take it b-back ! Turn that ofF!!!". He did as you told him. The feeling stopped and you dropped on the sofa weakly. Panting , you glared at him. "You gonna cry now? , ah right you can't because you're a fucking machine..." he said and got up , leaving into his room.
As soon as the door slammed close you curled up and hugged a pillow.

Why did he do that...?  why did Kamski give this to him... ? Was this used on me before...?

Questions you didnt knew the answer to ran through your mind.
Hopefully you looked up to find the remote but... he took it with him.

You huffed , nibbled on your lip.

"YAH! MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL AND CLEAN THE HOUSE!" you heard Gavin yelling from his room.

You groaned and got up.
You've already figured out where the tools where so you did as you where told.

Midway through cleaning the Livingroom & kitchen , Gavin stood in the Stairway , watching.
"What...?" You looked to him.
"I'm just making sure you do what I told you ... so I dont have to punish you...". There was a slight grin on his face , did he think that was funny?!

You took your stuff and went in the bathroom , starting to clean the bathtub. Gavin had followed you & kept watching.
You couldn't take it after a while being watched like that so you snapped.

"Can you do smt else... I'm trying to work here , you're annoying.." you grumbled.
"My house , my rules~" he chuckled.
"Fuck off..." you turned your head around. "Keep working or ..." he held up the remote.

You twitched and sighed. You didnt wanted this to happen again so you kept cleaning & scrubbing the tub.

It felt like more than 2 hours of cleaning until you where done.

You dropped on the sofa and took the blanket and curled up.

"Are you still upset that I did that...?"
"Fuck.... off" you growled.
"Or did you like it?..."
"I SAID FUCK OFF ALREADY!" you jumped up , aiming for a punch but it was caught by Gavin's hand who pinned your hand back down , forcing you on your back.

"NgH! Get OFF! LET ME GO!" you struggled.
"What did I tell you ...? Behave or I'll use it again..." "THATS AGAINST THE-" "Against what? You are my android and I'm not destroying you..." Gavin fixed your hands and reached for the remote. "One last chance , apologise or else..."

To be continued...


It's been a while...
That one comment , telling me to do more today gave me some motivation to continue a lil since I rly didnt update this anymore like I said xD I said tomorrow but that became like: next year- I'm sorry but I'm busy with school & incoming exams [especially in art class...]

So yeah please understand that :)
But I'll try to update once in a while so yeah !

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