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Friday October 5 th 2020

10 h
**Carina is being pages to her third and final home birth but she's not able to leave her house, she's too scared, so she texted Addison so she could go to the delivery, Addie obviously agreed , **

**Addison called Carina **
Carina: yes Addie what's up?
Addison: hi Carina, uhh mrs Stornwall would be more comfortable if you could coach her through the phone?
Carina: uhhh yea okay,
Mrs .Stornwall : I can't do this Carina, why aren't you here ,, iwwwwwww
Carina: I uhhh had something came up , but Dr . Addison is literally the best obgyn there is,
Mrs.Stormwall : I don't care, no offence
Addison: none taken !
Mrs. Stornwall : I want you here ahhhhhh owwwww  !
Carina: I'm here, over the phone , everything is going to be fine,   Addie,, what's the status?
Addison: she's 9 cm dilated,
Carina: excellent, Mrs.Stormwall do Exactly as Doctor Addison says, she's the one who taught me everything I know, you are in the absolute best hands , you can't even imagine,
Addison: yesss that's true, I taught Carina everything she knows,

**Maya was about to ask for Carina but she stopped herself just in time as Carina was breastfeeding Londyn and was walking around the house , trying not to show she was in her house, going back and forth in the halls , Carina placed her index finger on her mouth making a SHHHHHHH SOUND**

Mrs.Stornwall : but , you specifically said you were.... Ahhhhh ,
Addison: you are doing great, breathe , Carina, if by any chance you can get here as soon as possible
** she said it with the camera turned to her face, and with one look of " you specifically said you were going to attend her birth" in your doctors profile " look ! Carina knew she had to attend her third and final home birth **

Carina: okay, I'll see what I can do ,
Addison: okay thank you!
** they hung up the phone, Carina really really didn't want to go outside her home but she knew she had to go attend her last home birth delivery and then she's be OFFICIALLY ON A FULL YEAR SABBATICAL**

Maya: you have to go huh?
Carina: so, uhh I don't want to buy I did say I would attend...
Maya: babe, go , it's fine , I'll stay here with Londyn ,
Carina: okay, grazie mille!!
Maya: one more and you are on SABBATICAL!
Carina: siii ! Can't wait!
Bye he Bambina!
** Maya kisses her wife and holds a sleeping Londyn in her arms **

**Carina is finally back home from her last home birth she said she would be attending! She was super duper duper emotional for some reason, she couldn't stop crying and she didn't even know why she was this emotional **

Maya: hi my love, how was your—-?
Carina: hi Bambina, I don't know what is going on but everything went well.... But I .... I uhhhhhh , just extremely exhausted,

Maya: babe, everything is going to be okay , just relax, 
Londyn : hi momma, ** she extended her arms so her momma could hold her**
Carina: that's exactly what I need, hi princess, were you nice with mommy today?
Londyn : siiiii , wight mommy?
Maya: yes that's right, she's always behaving,
Carina: yea I know, I think you might be our easiest baby ever,
Maya: yea I think so too'
Carina : babe, I'm going to take a nap on the couch if that's okay with you?
Maya: oh of course it is my love, I know how exhausting you are, and I don't blame you for wanting to take a nap,
Carina: grazie , Londyn , do you want to nap with momma?
Londyn: siiii, on you chest pwease
Carina: of course , that's your favourite cuddling position huh?
Londyn : yes that's wight( that's how she pronounce RIGHT)
**Carina and Maya both laugh , Carina took her blazer off along with her nursing bra and laidback on the couch with dozen and dozen of cousions **

Several hours later

**Carina woke up and she hadn't dreamt about her momma in a very very long time, she was extremely shocked because her conversation she had with her momma was as real as the conversation she was having with her wife, the children were back home from school **

Carina: It smells like LAVENDER hmmm I love that smell , thanks momma! ** she whispers to herself **

Maya: ohhh hiii my beautiful wife and last baby girl ever, did you sleep well?
Londyn : hiii mommy, yes i did ! Twank youuu
Maya : that's great , babe , what about you?
Carina: I Uhh had the weirdest dream ever,
Maya: okay, wanna tell me about it?
Carina: I had a dream that my momma was visiting us like every few weekends or so , like your parents do ,
Maya: okay, are you sure?
Carina: babe, I swear our conversations were as real as the one you and I are having  right now!
Can you look online what does it mean when a passed loved one comes and visit you please I don't know where my phone is ,
Maya: yes of course I will babe, take several deep breath,
** Carina did just that**
She was happy for us , and she loves seeing our beautiful children, and everything we've been through in our thirteen years of relationships , she told me she loved me and that she's proud of who I became , she watches over me and Andrew,

Maya: I found it , well part of the reason why, it says

Spirits like to communicate with us in this altered mental state because our thinking mind is turned down and our intuitive knowing is turned up. When we're visited by the departed and our guides in our dreams, we're often left with lasting impressions and insights that help direct us forward in our waking life.
Carina: hrmmm very interesting,
Maya: yea , not as much as this one,

Toddlers: Have you ever noticed that kids can say the most insightful things—wise beyond their years—at just the right time? Young children often serve as little messengers for our departed loved ones and spirit guides. The departed connect easily with children because they live in the present moment and are much more dialed in to their intuitive senses. They feel and sense the presence of Spiritand will relay messages from beyond without judgment or question.

**Lorenzo came in the living room with a string cheese in his hand**
Are you talking about ghost in your dreams?
Carina: si , because I just saw my momma CLEAR AS DAY,
Lorenzo ; that's awesome, I've heard that it's either because the dreamer wants something from the deceased loved one or that they just want to visit us and they manifest themselves with things that they really really loved, like a girl in my class , Élodie , she lost her maternal grandmother a few years ago and SHE LOVED LADYBUGS, and now whenever she and her family sees ladybug, in their house, they know it's her visiting.
Carina: hrmm really? That's really interesting bambino
Maya: yea, I haven't got to this specific reason online but that's pretty interesting indeed,
Lorenzo; I'm glad I could help, so what did NONNA LOVED ?
Carina: she loved LAVANDER THINGS , her favourite colour was VIOLET, she had lilac flowers everywhere in her garden, along with RED FLOWERS, AND GUESS WHAT TYPE OF RED ?
Violet and Scarlett ; SCARLETT RED ?'
Carina: siiii , I think I'm the one who chose your name SCARLETT ,cause I saw the letter "S"
Maya; yes that's right, because we both kept seeing A LETTER EACH , and yeh other one was BLURRY, I SAW THE LETTER "V"
Violet: wait is that why you named me VIOLET? Because of Nonna?
Carina and Maya weren't sure what to respond,**

Carina: subconsciously I think yes, and i think I agree with the name Violet , even though mommy never knew that my momma loved VIOLETS .
Maya: exactly,
Carina: i think my mom send me a bunch of VIOLETS AND LADYBUG, for Scarley, when I was six months pregnant with you two , remember?
Violet and Scarlett: yea we remember !
Awnnn ! Thats sweet that even from above Nonna knows who we are, even before we were born ,
Maya: right ,and now we wouldn't change your names , because they suit you two so well, and it's just a confirmation from my wonderful and beautiful mother in law that we made the right choice with both of your names!
Carina: siiiii , ** Carina leaned in for several kisses**
Everyone of your names is special to us , that's why we chose those,
Maya: exactly.

** The evening came and everyone was getting ready for bed and maya was reading a bedtime story to her four younger children, Carina was in the bath, she had put Londyn down but she was babbling to herself, she has been doing this for a while now, Carina smiles every time she hears her babbling away, everyone fell asleep around 22h**

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