Things are slowly picking up now 😳🤰🏻

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MONDAY APRIL 13 th 2021,
Part two
Kayla's DUE DATE IS THE NEXT DAY!! Will she deliver her precious little princess on her due date ??!

2h59 am
Kayla : okay so um I've been having contractions every five minutes, lasting for a minute long ...
Carina: that's good kayla, remember we want the pain , pain equals progress!
Kayla: owwwww ! So much pressure
Can you please check my dilation please momma
Carina: I can , but I'd say you are between one or two centimetres dilated.

**Kayla looks extremely discouraged with her own body**

Ughhhhh ! Please do it anyway!
Carina: alright, deep breath's in and out,  are you getting another one?
Kayla : I think so,  Should I be hooked up to feotal monitors or something? Hrmmmm owwwwww
Carina: I can but.. there's no need for me to do so , and you are doing great,
Kayla : okay that contraction lasted thirty seconds! I'm good now for the cervical check!
Carina: okay, ** she inserted a finger almost two fingers inside of her niece's vagina and she was in fact right, She's only dilated to a TWO CENTIMETRES! **
Carina: okay, kayla , you are only a two centimetres dilated, but first time labour are longer and harder , only because the path hasn't been made down there, she's currently making the path for her future siblings !
Kayla : okay thank you momma! I don't know what i would do if you weren't here with me through it all !
Carina: Awnn , baby girl, there's nowhere else I'd rather be Bambina!
Parker : you are doing a phenomenal job Kayla , pain is progress.
Olivia: yea , I am impressed, woman are incredibly strong, you are getting there,
Emma : Yess , slowly but surely!
James : yes , we are in awe with you , woman's bodies are INCREDIBLE AND MEN SHOULD GIVE THEIR SIGNIFICANT OTHER MUCH MORE ATTENTION AND LOVE AFTER this !


~Carina laughed ~

Do you have a name picked out?
Kayla: No , not yet, we did write down a list of names that we still could give her a nickname but .. we haven't figured it out yet, how did you decide on the names?
Carina: okay, it's okay, you both are going to figure it out, and it will come to you maybe when she's here, and umm well with Lorenzo, I just kept his name that his biological mother gave him before he was born, and then with Chloe, Lorenzo actually picked it out, from a friend who was in his daycare group, with the twins Maya and I both picked out a name, with Alessandro we put out a poll online and made people vote and with Ryann or Londyn now, well I caved in Maya's name , she really really loved the name Ryann, and then we slowly realized that it didn't suit her well so Maya asked me what name I wanted to give her instead and I immediately blurted out London ! But I wanted a unique spelling! So we went with D Y N !
Kayla : okay!
I need to stand up I think, and I'm going to be sick ! Ohhhh shiiiit !
Parker : oh uhh here's the trash can Kayla
Kayla: ohhh thank youuu Parker!
Parker: No problem!

Kayla: okay.... Hrmmmk , I think I want to go downstairs and labour on the couch and the birthing pool...
Help me get downstairs please
Olivia: yes , deep breath's in Kayla , in and out!!

** Carina followed the four best friends and got her medical supplies out of her medical bag, Ethan and James went downstairs a few times before kayla decided to go, they blew up the birthing pool and they put chux pads everywhere, on the couch, floor, since they didn't know where Kayla would be giving birth. **

9h49 am
Kayla : owwwwwwwwww, how long is it going to take?
Carina: shhhhh , it's okay, she's slowly moving down , your doing great , I'm extremely proud of you Kayla,
Kayla: hrmmm I just want her out already ughhhhh
Carina: I know, I know sweetie, but...
Kayla : owwww ,
Carina : what's wrong?
Kayla: nothing, she's turning around I think, ahhhhhh , have my stomach dropped?
Carina: okay, deep breath's, I'm going to check on her position, okay?
Kayla: okay!
** she took her pyjamas off and was simply in her bra and nothing else... and went into the pool**
Carina: okay so , she's turning herself around to be
Head down, she's getting ready to come out!
Kayla: okay thank you! Ohhhh this birthing pool is amazing!!
**It's now The evening and Day one of labour is coming to an end, she's almost dilated to a three, she's getting there, Carina advised everyone to get some sleep, and to stop filming. It's probably stressing Kayla out more than anything, having unnecessary footage of her switching from position to position .**

Kayla : why is giving birth so exhausting yet a beautiful procedure?
Carina: I know exactly what you mean!
Ethan: Carina, is there anything I can do to help?
Carina: give her water, ice cubes, rub her back and shoulders, talk to your little princess, ... get as much sleep as you can,
———————— ——————

2h14 am

Kayla: momma, I legit can't do this anymore, can you please tell me that you know how to get her out faster!
Carina: shhhhhh , baby girl, it's okay, I know it's excruciating, I know, but she seems really really comfortable inside, I don't know what or how to help you, except, tell you to go on walks , walk around the house if you don't want to go outside at two in the morning, go up and down the stairs, but skip one stair each time, or do the mile circuit!
Kayla: okay well I'm down to try everything and anything ! Like I didn't think I'd be going over my due date
Carina: it's actually very very common for first time mothers to go over, and it's totally normal, you're only 41 weeks, the danger of it all is if you go over FOURTY TWO WEEKS, but everything is going well! She's perfectly healthy and strong,
Kayla : okay, uhhhhhh ! Owwwwwwwww !

Several hours later

It's now 8h38 am

Kayla: okay, I feel lightheaded....
Olivia: here is your water bottle with ice cubes !
Kayla: ohhh thank youuu so much!!
Olivia: it's my pleasure! You are doing everything that your body is telling you to do
James : yes exactly, you just have to ride with the waves ,
Emma : do you want to blur your special door or you want me to film everything, un blurred ?
Kayla : I ehhh , don't really mind, I uhhh , un blurred is fine! Hrmmmmk ! Okay, umm I'm slightly feeling pressure in my butt and Vagina, I must be more than a TWO CENTIMETRES DILATED NOW?
Carina: I can check your cervix
Kayla : hrmmm okay, yes please do!
Carina : okay but I will have a better accuracy of the exact dilation if you are out of the pool Bambina
Kayla : ohhhh really?
Carina: yes ! I know it's sucks but you can get back in after!
Kayla: can I just stand up in the pool while you check my cervix?
Carina: I don't mind doing that

**James , Parker and Olivia all came to help Kayla stand up and help her out with her contractions as she is now IN ACTIVE LABOUR 🥳**

Carina : okay kayla , good news , you are now in Active labour, you are 6 centimetres dilated, you're doing such a good job,
Kayla: hrmmmm okay so she's definitely coming out today?
Carina: siiii, you will be holding her some time today,
Kayla: okay....
** she turned her head towards her fiancé and she wanted kisses, therefore Ethan gave her several kisses **

Maybe we could start spinning the wheel, so we have an idea of which ten names our daughter might have?
Ethan: that's an excellent idea, babe,
Kayla: okay James, can you please spin the wheel ,
James : yes of course
Ethan: so like the remaining name is going to be her name?
Kayla: yesss ! Okay spin ! Ouhhhh why is there sooooo much pressure?
Carina: that's totally normal,
** James is spinning the wheel**
It's her coming down, breathe through each contraction okay?
You are more than halfway there!
Kayla : hrmmmm okay! Ahhhhh !
James: do you want me to tell you the names that is not the final one?

** just then , Kayla's water finally broke!**

April 18 th
10h03 am
water broke
Kayla: did I pee on myself?
** Carina slightly laughed **
No Bambina, your water just broke ! It's totally fine!

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