I'm a big girl momma.

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ITS NOW WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2 nd, 2021, Alessandro just turned SIX ON AUGUST 15 th, he wanted to go GO KART RACING with his friends and family, therefore Maya and Carina both had arranged the whole thing , he has a lot of fun with everyone who came , he thanked them , Carina finally got an x Ray on her foot and ankle.

Wednesday OCTOBER 2nd 2021

**Carina and Maya both got back home from the hospital, Carina had her final x Ray done and Link told Carina that her foot and ankle was completely healed! So No more boot ! Yayyy**

9h57 am
Carina: oh my goodness, I forgot how to walk with both feet
Maya: I bet, I'm really proud of you for doing everything that you were told to do !
Carina: yea but I was supposed to have it removed a month ago , babe
Maya: yes I know baby but that's because your ankle needed more time to heal , but you were extremely strong.... And I'm proud of you, link said six to eight weeks and you've had it on for two months babe, it's the required eight weeks,
Carina: okay, thank youuu Bambina!
** she leans in for a kiss **
Maya : ouhhhh , I'm so lucky
Carina: why is that?
Maya: because I fell in love with you, and I'm very very happy and grateful for you and our relationship and our wonderful healthy perfect and strong children.
Carina: yea me too, I still have two days off...
Maya: hrmmmm
** she bit her lip and she kisses Carina even longer **
Carina: do you hear that?
Maya : hrmmmm hear what?
Carina: total SILENCE!

Maya came back home with Londyn. Carina and Maya decided to check her out early from daycare. Maya went for a little walk with Londyn as soon as Maya got home from daycare. , Carina was resting, she had a huge headache and she preferred to stay home.


Maya: hiiii babe! ** Maya kisses her wife , and she can see that she was upset about something **
Carina: hiiii my loves !
Maya: are you alright?
Carina: siii, I miss  my momma, that's all, sometimes I wish she was buried here in the United States,
Maya: ohhh , yea It must be really really hard huh?
Carina: siiii,
Londyn : look momma, fwoers for youuu ** how she pronounce FLOWERS **

Carina: Awnn , for me !  Can I get a hug and a kiss from my baby girl please?
Londyn : siiiii momma !
Carina: Ohhh thank you, do you want to help me put them in a beautiful vase ?
Londyn : yesssssss , come show me !
**Carina got up from the couch and took her little two years old daughter's hands , Maya followed them **

Carina: okay so here's what you do when you bring home some flowers... you add water in the vase , and some leftover little things packets from the market
Londyn : ohhh , we no go to market momma,

Carina: it's okay Bambina, I had some more over here, 
Londyn : yayyy , I put the packets in momma
Carina: Okay, put it in nicely and gently...
Londyn : okay momma, i big girl, i did it !
All by myself!! Yayyyyyyy ! ** she clapped her little hands together all excited **
Carina: ... and then you mix it all up ! And VOILA !
Londyn : I helped , mommy, did you see?
Maya: yea I did baby girl, you are sooooo big huh ? You are no longer a baby!
Carina: i knew you could do it mon amour ... mouhaaaaaa ....

Londyn : No i big girl now , I two years old mommy! Dissssss big ** she raised up two fingers in the air , smiling real big**
Carina: but you will always be my little babies, no matter how old you are!

**Carina wanted to get a little statue for Juliette's headstone, as she noticed that every baby that passed away had a little lamb statue on top of their grave , and she wanted to do the same . So Maya went to Home Depot and got a little lamb statue with Carina and they picked out a little lamb and immediately went to the cemetery and put it on top of her grave. Andrew was home babysitting Londyn **

Carina : thank youuu for coming with me, I know you find it uneasy about being here, especially since we never met her.
Maya: yea, I did at first, but I find it very peaceful for the mind. It brings me comfort.
Carina: really? Awnn , i feel the same , I feel serene . I just wished we could have had the chance to get to know her, like a little bit,
Maya: yea me too, ohhh no , the kids are almost home from school, and no one is home, we better get going..
Carina: ohhh shooot , you are right.
** Ten minutes later Carina and Maya are both home, waiting for their children to get off the bus**

Maya: ohhh the school bus is here,
Carina: yayyyy, I wonder how their day went ,
Hiiiii everyone! How was your day?
Chloe: uhhh hi moms, my day was okay!
Lorenzo: yes same here!
Alessandro: my day was amazing, I played on the big kid jungle gym , with adult supervision don't worry, I tried the monkey bars for the first time, with a sixth grader, we all get assigned a big kid and they help us all out through out the year , my sixth grader buddy is sooo nice , she's very pretty!
Maya: ohhhh , that's amazing, what's her name?
Alessandro: uhhh Jasmine !
Carina: that's amazing bambino, I am glad you all had a good day !
Violet: yea .. we had an okay day too, nothing special happened! What about you moms?
Scarlett : waiiit , my day was good, I got a " WELL DONE" sticker on my math quiz mommy look !
Maya: you did ! Awesome! Let's go put it up on the fridge!
Scarlett : ohhhh yessss ! Look momma!
Carina: ohhhh wowww " Keep up the good work Scarlett, 100 %"  it definitely goes on the fridge!
Maya: Yess
Carina : my day was okay, until I thought about my momma and then I was sad for most of the afternoon, but mommy hold me and made me feel a lot better,
Maya: No problem babe, I'm always here for you no matter what!
Carina: yes I know , and me too, don't you ever forget that!

**Several hours later everyone took a bath and did their homework. They are chicken pot pie for dinner, Carina helped maya give their children a bath even with her extremely severe headache. Maya gave Her wife back and shoulders massage and Carina felt
Sooo relaxed that she eventually fell asleep while Maya was giving her a massage. Maya gave her wife a kiss on the shoulders and went to sleep a few minutes later, by 21h20 everyone was sound asleep.**

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