Back to the clinic we go 👩‍⚕️👩🏻‍⚕️🤰🏻

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Saturday December 2nd 2020

8h28 am
Carina: hi , what's your name?
Linda : my name is Linda , I uh came in yesterday, and you said I wasn't dilated enough but hrmmmmmmm ahhhhh , i think it's starting....
Carina: okay right come with me , I'll check your cervix and we'll go from there okay!
Linda : okay thank you, please don't send us back home if we are not 3 centimetres.... We live an hour away and I won't make it back home and back here when it actually is labour . Ouhhhhh !
Carina: alright!
Joe, help her up on the bed please! ** she closes the hospital drapes to let Linda get into the hospital birthing gown**
Joe: okay, she's all changed!
Carina: alright!  Is it your first pregnancy?
Linda and Joe: yes !
Carina: okay, that's okay, ** one cervical exam later**
good news, you are at a 6 almost 7 centimetres!

Linda: oh thank goodness, okay so um all of this pressure I'm feeling I'm my vagina and butt is normal right?
Carina: yes everything is normal, so what is your preferred birth plan , I'll do my best to give you as much as I can to a reality of your birth experience, but if there's an emergency I'll have to differ from your birth plans!
Linda & Joe : we understand,
Linda: I uhhh would love to go all natural, and if you have birth pools that would be great,
Carina: okay, we actually do have birthing pools, I can wheel you in to the birthing tub suites !
Linda : okay. Hrmmmmm ! ** her contractions were getting stronger and stronger **
Carina: okay, ... let's go up with the elevator!

** Joe followed Carina who was wheeling Linda up to a birthing pool suite on the second floor, which is where the birth pools are, Linda was hunched over, the hospital mattress, screaming **

Carina: let it out, ** she wheeled her in the closest birthing room available **
Linda : okay! I ummm going to need help getting in ahhhhh!

** Carina and Joe both helped Linda get in the bath tub and she was feeling extremely uncomfortable in any position until she got in the tub , she leaned over the birthing pool and spread her legs out a little wider so the baby could come down faster and easier**

Carina: okay , is the water warm enough?
Linda : yea it's perfect!
Carina: okay, uhhh ! Be in whatever positions you like, being in the water is going to relieve the pressure!
Joe: have you had any children ?
Carina; siii my wife and I have six beautiful children and we legally adopted two , one of them is actually working in the clinic with me , she's my niece! But I had my first baby at home in the birthing pool.
Joe: oh that's sweet!
Carina: yeah,
Linda : hrmmmm can I push ? I feel like pushing hrmmmm
Carina: siiii, you can do what your body is telling you to do,
Linda : hrmmmmmm okay!! ARGHHHHHHHHHH !
Carina: okay, I'll check your cervix real quick
** Carina did the cervical check ready quickly**
Linda : okay
Carina: okay, good news, I can see baby A's head when you push, you are fully dilated.... Good job, keep going.... that's it, breathe in and out slowly! Not to hyperventilate, are they fraternal or identical twins?
Joe: identical boys!
Carina: sweet , I had identical twins girls !
Joe : you're doing great babe
Linda: hrmmmm !!

9h06 am
Baby A was born
Good job Linda, here he is ! ** Carina is rubbing her hands on the little baby boy so he can cry , which he does several minutes later **

Joe : you did amazing honey, I'm so proud of you
Linda: thank youuu for your wonderful support
Joe: okay... even though I felt hopeless during the entire thing
Linda: I know but you being there by my side really really helps
Joe: really?
**Carina and Linda both nodded **
Yes , it really helps us knowing that our significant other is right here with us in this special moment
Linda: yes exactly
Carina: oh and speaking of significant other, here's mine ,
**Maya came up to see if she could be of any help **
Maya: hi , is everything okay here?
Carina: hiii , yes everything is fine, what is going on down there?
Maya: uhh multiple patients are being brought here because their- grey's Sloan trauma bay is full...
Carina: okay , well I'm staying here , call everyone you think can help!
Maya: okay! ** at this moment everyone who was about to get called by Maya was actually showing up and helping everyone in need**

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