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Friday April 18 th
Part two and final part

10h03 am
water broke
Kayla: did I pee on myself?
** Carina slightly laughed **
No Bambina, your water just broke ! It's totally fine!
James : soooo? Do I ?
Kayla : honestly I don't fucking care right now!!!

** she had to sit down... so she gently got back in the birthing pool and she got kicked so hard in her pelvis area , everyone could see baby girl moving around**

I'm so sorry I yelled !
Uhh ! You can tell us if you want to or keep it until there's two names on the wheel
James: okay perfect! I'll do that!
Kayla : can I please have another facecloth for my vagina? It's starting to burn
Olivia: yeasss I'll go get one!
Kayla : okay thank you,
** she's now hunched over the side of the birthing pool which is in the living room , facing the stairs, **

James : okay so it's down to three names now , Charlotte, Ashley and Hanna
Kayla: okay .....
Ethan: good job babe, you're doing it!
Kayla: I can't do this anymore.... Someone get her out please!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh
Carina : everything is fine, you are in transition, she's coming.... She's entering the vaginal canal ...
You might feel like pushing... and it's totally fine, you can if you feel like it,
Carina: you know what would help you dilate more? If you go sit on the toilet , it's highly affective
Kayla: yea okay I'm extremely down for that position
Carina: I'll help you out!
Kayla : okay thank you

** a few minutes later kayla was now labouring on the toilet and she eventually dilated more and she begins to feel tingling and pressure in her bum and vagina **

12h59 pm

Ahhhhhhh ! Those contractions are not stopping owwwwwwwww ! I cant do it anymore,

** At this moment Carina's cellphone was ringing, it's her kids, who wants to know when she coming back home, they miss her so much, she then explained that she's at Kayla's house because she's about to have a baby and it's simpler for Kayla and Carina, if Carina is already there, **

Carina: vivi honey, momma has to go ,
Carina: that's it Kayla push ,
Vivi, I will call you back soon I got to go!
Violet: ohhh okay, Yea , talk to you later!

** Carina hung up immediately and helped her niece out **

Kayla : it buuuuuurns !
Carina: that's the ring of fire, it's totally normal!
Kayla : okay , I uhhhhh , want to go back to the couch or something but she's not going to be born in a toilet bowl ! I refuse to push if she's going to be born in the toilet.
Carina: okay, perfect!
Ethan: babe, she's almost here!
James : okay well let's help her out huh!
Carina: okay, right, I will check your cervix really quick!
** She didn't have time to , kayla was pushing, Carina could see the baby's head **

Okay, KayKay , breathe! She's almost here!
** Everyone helped kayla onto the couch with dozens of chux pads and Kayla kneels down with her legs spread out as wide as she could and screamed **

Carina: good, breathe in and out, Kayla she's almost out
Parker: I've got receiving blankets, her little hat and I don't know which outfit you both wanted to have her wear after she's born ...
Kayla mid contraction
We ... have a outfit.... Ready.... It's in her room
Ethan: right, I'll go get it when you are breastfeeding her,

** Since Ethan and Kayla didn't agree on a name yet , before she was born , they didn't put her name above her crib , but they did buy the whole alphabet and when they will decide on a name they will put her name up in her room **

Kayla : wait what if the name doesn't suit her ? what are we going to do then ?
Carina : don't worry about it, you have beautiful names , you can spin the wheel as many times as you want!
Ethan: yes exactly, don't worry about it, we will find the perfect name,
Kayla: okay... am I at a ten ? Owwwwwwww !
Carina : hrmm i can check you really really quick!
Kayla : yea okay, ** she spread out her legs as far as she could **
Carina: okay Bambina, you are now at a 10 ! You are ready to push her out, On the next contraction !
Kayla: hrmmmmk , okay! Babe , can you squeeze my hips together, owwwwww
Ethan : yes of course baby !
** Kayla is now still on the couch but Ethan is now behind her and she rests her head on his shoulders.... While Carina is getting ready to catch the baby, James , Parker , Olivia and Emma are all in awe of how their friend's strength and determination to do this one hundred percent naturally **

Carina: okay, I can see her head she has light brown hair...
Kayla: okay... so it's almost over?
Carina: siiii , Slow deep breath's you are doing such a good job
Carina: one more big push , you've got this
Kayla: why is it burning ahhhhh
Carina: and she's out, good job, I'll wrap her up and give her to you!

Baby Girl Kingston is born , crying and screaming, and Kayla can't stop crying too, everyone in the room is emotional, she has light brown hair... she's absolutely perfect

Saturday April 18 th 2021
Weight 7 pounds
11 Ounces
And 21 inches long

Ethan: im so proud of you baby, you did it, she's finally here!
Kayla: hrmmmm oh my goodness gracious, I can't believe she's finally here, now the next hard part is figuring out her name
Carina: congratulations, she's absolutely gorgeous and perfect ,
** Carina passes baby girl to Kayla who's now all wrapped up in a hospital blanket so they won't get her blankets dirty ! She puts her on Kayla's chest **

Kayla delivered the placenta! And she let her four friends hold her... for a while,
James : oh my goodness she's so adorable
Olivia: how is she even real ?
It's crazy !
Emma: yes , ohhh you are so lucky that Kayla is your mom , she's going to be the best mom ever , and Ethan , he's the best dad any little girl could ever imagine of having, you are the luckiest one!
Parker: she is just a beautiful mix of her parents, she's so calm !

By 15 h baby girl finally got her name

Kayla and Ethan finally decided on

Katherine Rose Kingston

Carina: she has a perfect name!
** she writes everything down on Katherine's birth certificate and begins to clean up around the house, all of her medical supplies **
Kayla: wait isn't Mommy's mom's name is Katherine?
Carina: siiii , it is
Kayla: Awnn that's sweet,
Ethan : yesss ! And my grandma's name is Rosalie but everyone calls her Rose ! And my mom's name is Rosalinda
Kayla: yes , it's the perfect name for our perfect precious little princess!

**A little bit later
Kayla's friends left so they could let the three of them bond and rest , **

Carina is still at Kayla's house, she FaceTime Maya with Kayla when she was ready! Kayla announced her baby girls name to Maya ! Everyone cried ! Carina will be going home in two days ,so she can help kayla and Ethan out with everything for the first fourty eight hours of their newborn's life!

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