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One week later
Saturday April 4 th 2021

Kayla thinks she's experiencing Braxton hicks contractions... just to be sure she calls Carina!

2h39 am
Kayla on the phone with Carina
Kayla: hi , umm you are on speaker phone so Ethan can hear it too ,
Carina: alright,
Kayla : okay, ummm please tell me what Braxton hicks contractions feel like, from real actual being- in labour and baby is coming out soon
Carina: okay, the difference is Braxton Hicks they are EXTREMELY FAR APART , like cramps ... every few hours... while actual you're in labour and baby is coming out soon, you need to have contractions for 5 minutes apart, lasting for one minute each FOR ONE HOUR! Hence the FIVE ONE ONE Rule !
Kayla: hrmmm okay when do I let my friends know when they can come over?
Carina: I'd personally wait a little longer unless you want to film yourself getting practice contractions..
Kayla; hrmmmm I don't know what to do
Carina: breathe through it all and everything is going to be fine, Is Ethan there with you?
Kayla; yes he's right here by my side rubbing my lower back!

3h14 am

Carina: okay excellent, ummm I'm going to let you contract a few more hours on your own , but you two should definitely get some sleep, and don't worry about anything, that's going to make you even more tensed and more intense Braxton hicks will hit ..
Kayla: okay, thank youuu momma,
Carina: you are very welcome, you are doing great, I'm going to have my ringtone on so if there's anything.. hit me up and we'll go from there,
Ethan: okay thank you so much Carina, we'll try to sleep
Carina: you are welcome, everything is going to be alright, good night,
Kayla: good night momma,
** kayla and Carina both hung up the phone **

A few minutes later Carina called back and told Kayla that if the pain was too much, she could hop in the bath or shower, and it relieved the painful strong contractions....

7h38 am

Ethan : babe, you are so strong, you can do this
Kayla : hrmmmk thank you, help me fall asleep.. I'm extremely extremely exhausted and it's our first baby so I can be in labour for a while....
Ethan : okay, anything for you my love!
Kayla wanted Ethan to rub his hands on her lower back and do circular motions... and it did help kayla to get enough energy to sleep, her contractions were slightly painful but she knew she had to experience pain in order to get her precious little princess out.

Ethan : I am extremely proud of you babe
Kayla : why! All I keep saying is how much it hurts and want her to get out sooner !
Ethan: yes I know, but remember what Carina told you babe, your body knows what it's doing, each contraction is getting you closer and closer to meeting her, pain is progress!
Kayla : yea I guess you are right! I just can't wait to be in like early labour so I know that the contractions I'm experiencing are making her come down further in my pelvis!

Ethan : soon baby soon!
** Kayla and Ethan did nothing else , they calmly waited for Kayla's contractions to get more and more intense... her contractions seemed to have STOPPED FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK **

Saturday April 11 th 2021 !

**Kayla was sound asleep, as much as she could anyways, she's been feeling tightness in her stomach and some slight pressure in her vagina, she thinks she definitely is in the early early stages of labour! She calls Carina, and her four Amazing friends who happily accepted her.. accepted to be present at her first birth. Emma, Parker, James and Olivia have been the lucky four to attend the birth ! Therefore everyone came at the crack of dawn ! **

1h21 am

Carina arrived first, she just had time to put her bags in the front door hallway and she immediately went to aid kayla with her contractions,

Carina : hi , I'm here, shhhhh everything is going to be okay, Ethan when was her first first CONSISTANT CONTRACTION?
Ethan : uhhh five minutes ago!
Kayla : yea , my ultimate first contraction was at 1h16 am !
Carina: okay, excellent! Oh Emma is here!
Come on in Emma ! Here's the video camera
Kayla : okay, hrmmm I'm going to need to move around cause this position is not helping. With the pain ! ** she's slightly hunched over the couch and with her left foot under her bum , she's still wearing her pyjamas, a tank top with matching shorts... **
Emma: yes , hi guys! I'm so happy to be there and capture That magical moment for you!
Carina: you are doing such a wonderful job and she's going to be here, whenever she wants to, in the meantime, let your body do the work,
**Ethan is running his hands on his fiancée's lower back **

I'm extremely proud of you my love!
Parker : hi everyone, Ouhhh this is such a wonderful moment
James : yes thank youuu for letting us whiteness this miracle of life.
Olivia: you are doing great.
Kayla : hrmmmmk owwwwww they really really hurt
Carina: yea I know sweetie but it's going to be all worth the pain and nine months of anticipation of wondering who she looks like... it's going to be all over soon
Emma : exactly,
Kayla : I have to switch positions, it HUUUUUURTS LIKE A MOTHER F HRMMMM
Carina: okay, what positions you want to try?
Kayla: I legit don't know how to labour , ... hrmmm
Carina : okay, well I would suggest you that you go on your back a little bit... and spread your legs a little....
Kayla : okay... and when can I get in the birthing pool?
Carina: whenever you want to !

2h48 am

Kayla : okay,
** she's now on her back against Ethan's legs and he's the best supportive birthing partner Kayla could ever asked for, he runs his hands up and down her shoulders and back... **
Nothing new happened for the next two days !

MONDAY APRIL 13 th 2021,
Kayla's DUE DATE IS THE NEXT DAY!! Will she deliver her precious little princess on her due date ??!

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