I want the pain to stop 😬

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Saturday October 5 th 2021

Carina woke up several times in the middle of the night saying that she had trouble sleeping because of her back pain was too much too handle. Maya offered to help her out by giving her a massage. Carina obviously agreed.

2h27 am
Maya: babe I really think you should go get your back checked out...
Carina; hrmmmm further down the left please.
Maya: okay.... Is my right hand at the right place?
Carina: siiii more pressure on. Both hands please
I want the pain to stop ! Ayyye ayyyye , who can I go see?
Maya: I know you do babe and you can go see a chiropractor...
Carina: but I don't want to pay to get my back fixed , ** she turns around to face her wife and pouted her lips **
I want you to do it , please
Maya: okay, but I'm not a certified or qualified person for the job my love!
Carina: we can look online how it works and you can do it on me , please it's extremely expensive babe,
Maya: okay fine, later today though
Carina: hrmmmm siiiii!

We should maybe try to go back to sleep huh
Maya: yea , good night, the women of my dreams, I'm so lucky to be with you , I don't know if I've ever been THIS HAPPY as you make me, and of course our precious little children
Carina: awnnnn I honestly feel the same way, good night my Bambina, I love you so much, forever and always, to the moon and back.
Maya: I love you too, forever and always, to the moon and back.

7h48 am
Maya is up , with Londyn , she's making everyone breakfast, her specialty is EGGS WITH A SMILEY FACE with equally spread jam on both pieces of bread , and a strawberry milkshake. She let Carina sleep in this morning,

Chloe: hiiii , good morning mommy, ohhh good morning Londyn ! How are you doing today?
Maya: hiiii princess! I'm doing good thanks!
Londyn :  Hiiii  Chloe! I'm good too thank you!
Lorenzo: hiiii mommy , how did you sleep last night?
Maya: hiii , Bambino , I slept good, momma on the other hand, had a difficulty falling asleep...
Chloe: awnnn why ?
Maya: her back is extremely soar ...
Londyn : ohhh i help momma, wif my baby hands and baby feet ,
Maya: hrmmm , yea probably... we'll ask momma when she wakes up okay?
Londyn : okay! More yogourt please
Maya: okay, it's the last bite ,
Londyn : honnn , i ate it all ?
Maya: siiii, I can get you another one if you want?
Londyn : siiii, por favor, banana pudding pwease pwease!
Maya : alright! Here , the banana pudding flavoured!
I never thought they would make banana pudding flavoured yogurt...
Londyn : it's good mommy !
**Maya laughed **
Yes I can see that, you have some everywhere,
Londyn : ohhhh ohhhhh ,
Violet: why is she saying " ohhh ohh" mommy?
Maya: I don't know.... But you all said "ohh ohhh"about everything, when you were younger and her age , it's cute

** Londyn's new favourite saying is OHHH OHHH !"

10h48 am
Carina : what is everyone doing on the couch sitting nicely?
Violet: we are looking at our baby photos momma!
Carina: okay... babe , tell me you didn't bring down the grey ish blue album
Maya: of course I didn't babe,
Chloe: waiiit , what's in the grey ish blue album?
Carina: ahhhh those are personal pictures of mommy and I, and I don't want you kids to see those pictures.
Lorenzo: why is that momma?
Carina: it's uhhhh , Naked pictures of me , and some of them I'm in full labour with you kids, so no I don't want anyone to go through that album,
Violet: momma, we all know where we came out of ! So we should be allowed to see
Carina: ahhhhh VIOLET GRACE , stop ! I sais No ,
Maya help me out here
Maya: yea , guys , it's okay to have personal things we don't want you all to see, momma was ...
Carina: I was vulnerable during my labour experiences, you guys are lucky we filmed every one's birth and deliveries ! So please.... Stop asking me about that album
Scarlett: ohhh look at this picture, who's that baby?
Maya: uhhh let me see!!
Uhhh i think it's Chloe, right?
Carina: noooo, that's baby Alessandro
Alessandro: awnnn i was a cute and Adorable baby boy !
Carina: siii, everyone was a adorable baby!
Maya: oh right, it's says 21-09-15 at the bottom of the picture! You were one month old there !

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