Chapter 1 Escaping

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Though they rushed in to save the day and Steve told the others what happened to Y/N, the Avengers were ultimately blamed for the event. The news said they "paraded dangerous, untested technology causing damage on an unprecedented scale." Red Hood was presumed dead among thousands of other innocents. The Senator held a meeting with the Avengers in court.

Steve: This job... we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody. But if we can't find a way to live with that, next time... maybe nobody gets saved. We may not be perfect, but the safest hands are still our own.

Senator: Oh really!? You so called heroes transformed San Francisco into an infection's gas filled quarantine zone. You unleashed diseased powerful beings, that wreak havoc throughout our nation. Many still lay dormant, unidentified. So, I ask you again Dr. Banner, do the Avengers pose a danger to society?

Bruce: ...Yes.

After the court case the Avengers disbanded, and all went their separate ways... 

5 Years Later...

Five years after A-Day, AIM was now the most powerful megacorporation within the United States, operating in every state and internationally. Somewhere in space a space station called Ambrosia floats. Inside one of the rooms lies the presumed dead Y/N L/N in a machine filled with wires on him.


I slowly open my eyes, and I get out of the device feeling dizzy.

"Ughhh... My head! Where... Where am I?"

I look out one of the windows and I see I am in Space.

"Wait... I'm in space? Was I on ice...? Huh, now I know how Cap feels."

I leave the room trying to get my strength back up.

"Hello? Anyone here?"

I got no response. I continued to explore, trying to look for an exit. As I continued to explore, I saw no one in the space station, it was like a ghost town. I eventually made it to an armory, and I saw my old suit. I take off all the wires and I put on my suit and grab my weapons. I eventually made it to a door, but it closed, and a hologram appeared, and I saw Monica.

Monica: Y/N L/N. Don't leave just yet.

"Monica? Where the hell am I? What happened?"

Monica: You've been presumed dead for five years.


Monica: The Avengers are no more.

"What do you mean by that?"

Monica: They disbanded after your death. AIM took over and the world is a lot safer.

"And why are you keeping me here?"

Monica: So, I can use your DNA to help make a serum.

"Why do you need my DNA?"

Monica: Cause part of the reactor is in you. I can make a cure for the Inhumans.


Monica: A lot has changed since your presumed death.

"Monica, you have five seconds to open this door before I blast it open."

Monica: Sorry, L/N I can't do that.

I went over to the control panel and started to hack it.

"Good thing Tony rubbed off on me."

I eventually hacked the door and it opened and that's when I hear,

Speaker: Self-destruct sequence initiated.


I ran through the door only to be greeted by many robots. 

I pulled out my pistols and fired at the two robots but the one in the middle blocked my bullets with his stuff and it came at me

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I pulled out my pistols and fired at the two robots but the one in the middle blocked my bullets with his stuff and it came at me. I avoided its staff, and I fired it in the head, and it barely did any damage. I pulled out a grenade and I threw it at it, and it blew up. I ran to the control panel and hacked and got the door open. I look back and see more robots coming through the windows.

"Give me a break!"

I had no time to fight the robots, so I made a run for the escape pod while some of the robots fired at me. The space station started to tilt, and I fell on the glass, and it started to crack. I continued to run as the glass broke behind me as well as the robots trying to capture me. I threw a grenade behind me, and it exploded, blowing up a few robots. The space station started to come apart and I was running as fast as I can. The robots were closing in, but I made it to the escape pod, and I got the door open, and I set my destination to earth and I launched myself away just as the space station exploded.

3rd POV:

The escape pod Y/N used was flying to Earth and it crashed, and Y/N got out. He looks around and he was in San Francisco... 

Avengers (Game) (Male Reader) (Red Hood)Where stories live. Discover now