Chapter 3 Hulk

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After me and Kamala got off the bus at a gas station.

"What are we doing here?"

Kamala: I need to make a phone call.

Kamala went inside a phone booth, and I was waiting. Eventually she came out and she told me of the Resistance and how they are fighting AIM and that she might know where one of the Resistance bases is. We walked all the way into the desert.

"Are you sure they did not bring us on a wild goose chase?"

Kamala: I'm positive. The conspiracy theories points to this canyon as the Resistance home base.

"Keyword "conspiracy theories". They are not always true. Landing on the moon was fake, JFK assassination, The New World order theory, all of them turned out to be proven false."

Kamala: Oh really? What about the Bad Booze Theory? During Prohibition, the government poisoned alcohol to keep people from drinking. Turned out it was true and between 1926 and 1933, the federal government used stronger poison iscourage bootleggers from turning the alcohol into moonshine. Government mind control, the CIA was testing LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs on Americans in a top-secret experiment on behavior modification. The CIA started by using volunteers; the novelist Ken Kesey was one notable subject. But the program heads soon began dosing people without their knowledge; MK-ULTRA left many victims permanently mentally disabled. John Lennon was under government surveillance, in 1971, the FBI put Lennon under surveillance, and the Immigration and Naturalization Service tried to deport him a year later. I'm pretty sure all of that was not just a theory.

Kamala then walks off and I'm standing there stunned.

"...Jesus Christ."

We continued to walk until we saw a Resistance base.

Kamala: You were saying.

"Okay... SOME conspiracy theories might be true."

We were about to walk to the base when we saw AIM robots and drones coming towards us.

Kamala: No... AIM found them first.

I pulled out my pistols as they got closer. I fired at the drones as Kamala destroyed the robots. We destroyed all of them and luckily it was only a few of them. We went into the base only to find it destroyed. We found a massive hole in the wall, and we continued to follow a path and we climbed a cliff, and we saw it... The old Avenger Helicarrier.

Kamala: No way!

"It's has seen better days."

Me and Kamala made our way to the helicarrier and to none of our surprise the power was out.

"Why am I not surprised. Alright I know where the power switch is."

Kamala followed me as we go through the helicarrier and we see the switch for the power. Kamala used her powers to extend her hand and she pulls the lever and she fall to the shaft. I jumped down and helped her up.

"Are you okay?"

Kamala: I'm fine.

Me and her go the only way we can go which is forward. We continued until I saw something... My old mask. I went up to it and I picked it up. It was all dusty and it was badly damaged. A smile formed for a second, but I remembered Natasha, and the others.

"I miss them..."

We then hear low rumbling coming from the pipes above us.

"Get back."

I pull out my pistols ready to fire when I see him. Hulk.


He roared and he was angry.

"Hulk it's me man!"

He did not listen.


Me and Kamala started to run away from Hulk. Until I stopped and Kamala looked towards me.

Kamala: Come on!

"Go! I can reason with him."

She then runs and I see Hulk. I put my pistols away and I lifted up my arm and I put my hand towards him.

"Hulk... It's me... Y/N... You know me."

Hulk stops for a moment, and I slowly go towards him. When he grabbed me.

I was laying on the ground as Hulk runs off to find Kamala

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I was laying on the ground as Hulk runs off to find Kamala.

"Ow... Okay... Now I know how Loki felt."

I slowly got up and I started to limp my way to help Kamala. I heard crashing and I went over and found Kamala.

"You, okay?"

Kamala: I'm fine... What happened to you?

"Hulk just give me a beating..."

Me and Kamala found another switch and we pulled the lever, and we finally have full power.

"Let's get out of here before Mr. Angry comes back."

Kamala used her powers to grab the ledge as I use my grappler to get across.

Kamala: No sign of the Resistance anywhere. Hulk must've scared them off.

"No, he definitely scared them off."

Kamala: What am I supposed to do with this footage now?

"Turn it in to the police? ...Oh, wait AIM is the police."

We then see more AIM robots on the helicarrier.

SYNTHOID: Detain targets: Kamala Khan and Y/N L/N. Threat level one and five. Capture targets alive.

Kamala: Uhhh... Did you FOLLOW us here?! Ha, ha. That's so CREEPY.

Me and Kamala fought the roots as more and more started to come as one of them grabbed me and threw me through the floor of the Helicarrier. I landed on my back as more and more started to come. Some of them even had shields. I started to fire at them, and I knew Hulk was watching and I yell,

"Hulk! I know you like making your entrances at the last second! Well, this is it! This is the very, very last second!"

I fired at them but more of them dropped down.


Hulk: NOOOO!

"Ah screw you, you big green asshole! I'll do it myself!"

I threw a grenade, and it exploded. More and more came when Hulk came and helped me fight the robots.

"Thank you. Let's go help the kid."

I got on Hulk he crashed through the celling of the helicarrier.

"Hulk! Smash!"

Hulk started to fight AIM as me, Hulk, and Kamala worked together to fight AIM. Suddenly Kamala turned big, and we actually had the upper hand until Kamala passed out. I shot the last robot, and I ran to Kamala. I then see Hulk transform back into Bruce Banner.

"Doctor Banner?"

He looked up in shock.

Banner: Y-Y/N?

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