Chapter 11 The Message

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I was with the others and were about to discuss what to do next when I saw Thor walk in.

Thor: Have you all completely lost your senses?!

Tony: Ah, the prodigal son returns!

Thor: You almost obliterated all of Manhattan!

Natasha: Whoa, holier than thou! Where were you, when the world went to hell!

Thor: Coming to terms with my failings. Not making new ones!

"We can argue about this later right now we need to stop AIM. They are stealing the powers from the Inhumans and putting them into robots. They need to be stopped!"

Tony: Yeah, and that is step one. Georgie boy is gearing up for a war.

That's when Thor looks at me.

Thor: Where have you been?

"I was held on a space station against my will. So, I was presumed dead for five years."

I looked at Bruce and I saw him thinking.

"Bruce what's wrong?"

Bruce: Why did you destroy the reactor? Hundreds of were infected.

"Like I said I had no choice."

Steve: He's right, Bruce. I would have done the same.

Bruce: No... people died on A-Day-

Tony: Just... take it easy.

Bruce: You take some responsibility here, Tony!

I got between them.

"Hey! That's enough. There's a lot that we can blame Tony and Bruce for but-"

Tony: What do you mean?

"Weren't you the one who was supposed to test the Reactor?"

Natasha: now is not the time-

"No, Tony if you would have tested the reactor instead of giving it one look and calling it a day we weren't be here now, would we?"

Tony: I'm not the one who got my dad killed!

Everyone went wide eyed. I got angry.

"You did not just say that..."

Tony: I just did.

"Tony. Stop."

Tony: What's wrong Y/N? Am I making you angry? That's your problem. Running from your problems. What you did! Maybe that's why... You got your dad killed!

"That's it!!!"

I used my powers and I energy beamed him into a wall and flew at him punching him until he blasted me off. I got up as everyone tried to separate us. Tony flew towards me, and I grabbed him, and I threw him out the window and I flew at him.

3rd POV:

Natasha: We need to stop them!

JARVIS: I hope I ain't interrupting.

Bruce: Now's not the time JARVIS.

JARVIS: I've uncovered a recording from Y/N's dad.

Steve: What?

JARVIS: He was recording a message to Y/N, and I'll like to play it.

Bruce: We need to get Y/N-

Iron Man crashes through the wall and Red Hood flies in and Tony gets and tires to blast him with his repulsors but Red Hood avoided them, and Red Hood punched him directly in the face and grabbed him by the neck and punched Tony's helmet off.

Steve: Play the message!

JARVIS plays the message, and it shows a screen of Y/N's father.

Y/N's Father: Y/N.

Red Hood stopped fighting Tony and he looked at the recording.

Y/N's Father: Your probably to pissed at me and the others to even listen to this... but I'm going to record this anyways.

Red Hood took off his helmet and Tony got up.

Y/N's Father: I know what we did to you was wrong... but I'm doing this for you. And some day you'll realize that. Before I end this recording I wanna say I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I abused you. But I don't want to lose you. I'm sorry I can't change the past, but I still love you. and I regret the things I've done. These tears that run down my cheek are filled with sadness and hurt, because I loved you so much and I now know how you felt all those days of abuse. I know sorry's not enough for all the trauma we caused you...

Y/N was close to tears as he continued to listen to the message.

Y/N's Father: I know that you didn't deserve to be hurt like that, and I know that you will find someone who will love you and treat you right, they will make you happy and that person won't hurt you like we did. I know it's not much but I'm leaving a gift for you. I've already uploaded the coordinates into the same file... I love you. And goodbye.

The message ends and Y/N wipes his tears.

Y/N: What are the coordinates?

JARVIS: I sent it to the War Table.

Y/N went over and saw the coordinates and he walked off and took the Quinjet by himself and flew to the location. Once he arrived, he exited, and he saw it... His old home. He entered and the place was well kept. He looked around and he picked up a picture of his family and a tear went down his face and he put down the picture.

Y/N: Okay, if I was dad and I was hiding a gift... Where would it be?

Y/N looked around until he reached his old room. He looked into the closet, nothing. He looked in his old drawers, nothing. He looked under his bed and found a large box. He pulled it out with a few words on the top.

'To Y/N.'

He opens the box and sees what is inside... 

It was a new outfit designed by his dad

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It was a new outfit designed by his dad. He put it on, and it was a perfect fit. He takes his newly made pistols. They were semi-automatic pistols with 50 action express bullets. He put the two pistols in his hostler and walks off when he gets a report from JARVIS.

JARVIS: Mr. L/N. I wanna info you that the other Avengers are waiting.

Y/N: Tell them I'm on my way back.

Y/N got into the quinjet and flew back to the Helicarrier... 

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