Chapter fourteen

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The morning sun poured in through the window, blinding your eyes as soon as they opened.

How long did I sleep for?

You stretched your arms out, feeling the empty spot next to you on the bed. The feeling of dread sinking in as you sat up.

It hit you all at once.
I'm a married woman...
You rubbed your temples, letting out a soft groan as you remembered clinging to levi as the storm raged outside.

The delayed emberassment was settling heavy in the air as you stretched your arms out above your head.
It was such a childish and cliche thing to do, but you just didn't want to be left alone.

I have to apologize to him.

"Morning wife." His deep voice groaned from the doorway Startling you. He was definitley a sight that morning.

His black button up was rolled up past his elbows, the first two buttons were undone at the very top of the shirt, and his hair was messily hanging infront of his eyes, damp from his morning shower.
He was leaning against the doorframe, just staring at you with that same look he always wore in his eyes.

"Hi." You yawned, slinging your legs over the bed. No matter how attractive levi looked, his attitude always seemed to ruin it.

"Sleep well?"

What's with the pleasantries? You wondered, standing to your feet.

"I slept good... What are you doing up so early?" You asked, and made your way towards the bathroom, grabbing your phone as you did. You wajted to see how ymir and the others were doing after your mock wedding the night before.

He didn't move from the doorway to the bedroom, giving you more space than you felt neccesary.

"Early? It's the afternoon?" His tone seemed annoyed.

Ots already past noon?

"Wait seriously?" You flipped on the bathroom light staring at your reflection in the mirror. You forgot to remove your make up from the night before, so the sight was... interesting. Your mascara was smeared all down your face, your lipstick was smeared across your lips and your face looked mucky.

You gave a sigh, grabbing the face wash and turning on the sink.

He just had to see me like this?

"Why didn't you wake me? I hate sleeping in.." You whined.

"I wanted to let you sleep a little longer. I can only imagine yesterday wore you out." You watched as he appeared in the mirror behind you, gripping the top of the doorframe with his hand, leaning against it.

"Yeah I guess I was more tired than I thought." You splashed the cool water against your skin, wishing levi didn't see you looking like a wreck like this when he looked sexy. He didn't seem bothered, and watched with intent as you spread the soap across your skin. You could have sworn you saw his jaw twitch.

"Why are you watching me?" You finally asked, looking over your shoulder at him as you rubbed the foaming cleaner against your skin. He changed his position, rubbing his thumb against his jawline, before pressing it against his bottom lip, biting it gently.

You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat.


"Im Just wondering what you look like Bent over that sink." He snickered, his thumb settling against his bottom lip.
You rolled your eyes, turning back towards the sink and rinsing off your skin, trying to hide the goosebumps on your skin.

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