chapter fifteen

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Levi 4

"Don't do anything you'll regret." My partner pleaded into the phone as I threw it against the passenger seat of the car, hanging ut up.

I was in some abandoned parking lot, meeting with one of my..  men about making sure y/n was safe, when I was called about a meeting that was scheduled.
It had been a day since i returned home, and i would be lying if i said i wasnt worried about her.

Her body was still fresh on my mind, every curve and every flush of her skin against mine, permanently burned into my memory.
my body was still aching from the need for release. But I couldn't bring myself to.

Not when he was listening the whole time.

Its been a day since i went home, and y/n hadnt called me once. I assume she ubderstood to leave me alone, i crashed in my office that night sleeping on the couch. It did hurt to not even recieve a single text message however. But I understood her anger.

I have no idea why im avoiding her so suddenly when shes been the very source of my obsession for so long. but after my little fuck up over the phone yesterday, now I'm in need of something to distract the urge to fucking set fire to that crappy little company her shitty ex helps manage. I didn't expect y/n to so willingly sit with him on the phone as I fucked her, something about her lack of interest in the man I know she loves has me acting out.

My phone buzzed from the seat next to me, my mother's name flashing across the screen once again. I didn't have time for this shit.

My mother and I don't exactly have the best relationship. I make sure she's taken care of.. after all she gave me the life I have today. But I'll be damned if that greedy bitch doesn't try and be more involved. What else could she want? I bought her the biggest house money could buy, she has her own personal Brigade of butlers she can fuck if she wants,  and a credit card with no fucking limit. I've never had a charge ping from her card however, it's confusing how she never spends it but y/n can use mine so freely.


Fuck. She still has my credit card doesn't she? And I pissed her off by leaving so suddenly.

I groaned, leaning my head back against the seat.

Just as I suspected a charge came through from my credit card, signaling she was indeed pissed at me. It was at some coffee place. But I knew this would be the start of many charges.

I rolled my eyes, trying to hide the satisfaction burning inside of me at her disobedience.

I'll have to remind her of her place later won't I?

My black charger roared to life as I jammed the key into the ignition, finally ready to go back to my office building.
I had a meeting with the very company I wish to set fire to, and since I don't go anywhere that doesn't interest me I decided after yesterday to allow zeke an hour of my precious time to discuss my withdrawal of funds.

He's been sending email after email to hannah, and I feel bad that she's caught up in the middle of drama that doesn't include her. I glanced down at the clock on my dash, only thirty minutes untill I meet with zeke.
I smirked at myself and tapped my finger anxiously against the steering wheel.

I wonder how this'll go?


"Sit." I ordered as zeke scrambled around my office towards the chair. I arrived late, on purpose just to keep him waiting in anticipation. I coukd practically smell the fear on him as I entered the building, only giving him a head nod towards my office.

I leaned back in the leather of my chair, still feeling the abrasions the zipties caused when I tied y/n to it a little bit ago. My cock twitched at remembering the sight, but I forced it back down as I stared at zeke.

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