Chapter Sixteen

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Y/n pov

You grumbled a few choice words, piling more and more clothing into the basket you were carrying. Nobody was available to go shopping with you today, so you decided to go by yourself. Levi, the idiot he is, forgot his credit card with you before he deserted you the other day. He wouldn't return your calls, and even Hannah wouldn't put you through to him.

You were beyond annoyed, and knew this was the only way to get his attention.

"Bastard... I hope you like having thousands of dollars charged on shit I'll never use..." You grumbled and tossed another pair of shoes into the basket. You weren't even looking at the pricetag anymore.

You chose the most expensive store you could find, and even this wasn't good enough to satisfy your anger.

How could he just leave me like that?? And not even a text message to explain...

You rolled your eyes and threw another skirt into the basket. These clothes weren't your style at all. Almost all of them had designs that clashed with your whole style. Not caring, you kept on searching.

Maybe I'll just donate these to one of the shelters near by...

You thought as your eyes fell on another shirt.

"Oh wow that's a lot of clothes."

Annoyed, you turned around to find yourself staring at a woman you've never seen before.
She had long, beautiful black hair and fair skin. Her eyes reminded you of someone but you couldn't put your finger on it. Her whole demeanor screamed elegance, it was hard to stay angry at her comment. She looked much older than you, but not like the other snobby older woman you've dealt with in the industry.
One glance told you, that you could trust her.

You felt a smile spread across your lips, as if she commanded it and gave a sigh.

"It is kind of excessive isn't it?" You asked, feeling rather embarrassed at your impulsive behavior. The woman only smiled and shook her head.

"Of course not, I love shopping. I do it all the time. But these clothes aren't really... You dear." She lifted her hand, running it along her cheek as she studied you, clicking her tongue softly.

"Yeah.. that's probably because I'm only buying them to aggravate someone." You admitted and gave a sigh.
"I really don't need them-"

"Let's go with these shoes... And this top." The woman began and started pulling things from your basket. The shoes were flats, but extremely stylish and comfortable looking, along with a cute blouse that ties around the shoulders.

"This would frame those gorgeous shoulders of yours, and these shoes are perfect for your height. You're already such a lovely height, adding heels would just be a disaster to comfort." The woman droned on and on, throwing more and more products into your basket.

Just... Who is she? You wondered as she rambled on and on.

"You know I don't have a daughter, so I've always loved dressing young women like I would have dressed my daughter.."

You nodded along with her words and looked down at the new pile of clothes she gave you. This was gonna cost a pretty penny, and it filled you with adrenaline wondering how Levi was going to react.

"Oh my... I just realized I went to far again..." She raised her slender hand towards her mouth as if trying to shield herself from embarrassment. You couldn't help but stifle back a laugh at her strange behavior.

"No no, I was just impressed at your fashion knowledge..." You admitted as she threw the clothes you originally had at one of the stores associates and waved her hand off to shoo them away. She ran her hand through her silky black hair and shrugged.

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