chapter nineteen

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Your pov

Did he really have to do that? You wondered. Your face was still hot from him pinning you against the counter.

After you left him in the kitchen, after what he said to you he remained there for a long time, staring at the countertop on his little kitchen island , and his thumb.

You weren't sure why he stayed there, instead of being all over you like usual, but brushed it off as more of his weird behavior recently.

You had more pressing matters anyway, like preparing for the charity ball.

When Levi finally snapped out of it, he told you it was at least in a week, so the two of you would be going shopping to get matching outfits for the ball, since you were his wife.

It had been hours since he told you about it, before disappearing into the bedroom.

The sun had set, and you even made dinner, but He hadn't come out since, and you wanted to let him continue calming down before bothering him again.

"Yeah..then ill be outta your life forever."
You groaned, rubbing the bridge of your nose as you set the now empty mug of tea in the sink. Why you said that was beyond you. You weren't even sure if anything at this point but you knew one things for sure and it was that you were upset.

The look on his face after you said it would haunt your guilty conscience.

I really... Really hope he's not pouting because of what I said..
You looked towards the bedroom door from the sink and gave a sigh.

Let's go talk to him.

You left the kitchen, walking across the living room untill you made it to the door. You heard no sound from the other side, and wondered if he was sleeping.

You knocked softly against the hard wood.

"Levi? Can I... Come in?" You asked, pressing your ear against the cold surface so you could hear inside.

After a period of silence you heard the softest sigh.
"Come in y/n." His voice was gentle, but loud enough for you to hear. Slowly you opened the door, to find his back leaned against the large window, looking out at the city below with his head turned to the side, as if afraid to look at you.

The room was once again bathed in the purple hue from the lights below, putting the room in A different aura.  Levi's head was still turned to the side, but his eyes, which seemed to be glowing in the light, was watching you now.

"You never came back.." you began as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"I know. I needed some time." His voice was still gentle, as you grew closer to him, as if your feet were possessed. As if he was pulling you towards him.
You pouted, lowering your head in shame. He was definitely pouting over your words.

"I know what you're thinking... I'm not mad at you." He whispered as you stopped Infront of him.

He looked away from you again, and back to the city down below. His anger was prominent to you, but damn if he didn't look perfect in that setting. You wished you had your camera to take a picture.

"It feels that way.." you began with a sigh. He uncrossed his arms turning his full attention towards you.

"I could never be angry at you y/n.." he began, pushing himself off of the glass and closing the gap between the two of you.

"You could stab me in the back, steal my company out from under me, or set it ablaze..." He began as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling your head against his chest.

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