🦋 Abhi Send Neil To Jail 🦋

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Abhimanyu couldn't tolerate it and his ego hurts very badly.

He took his phone and talked to someone and he ended up.

Akshara gets nervous and leaves their homes immediately and she reaches her home.

When she entered she was shocked to see Neil had an injury to his hand and Avni is applying first aid.

A - What happen Neil? How did you get this injury?

Avni tries to say but Neil sights her not saying anything to her.

N - Nothing akshu I just break the glass for losing the project.

A - Neil I know you very well don't lie to me and what happened exactly.

N - Akshu I am saying na this is the truth...

Av - Yes akshu neil break the glass in anger that's why he is hurt and nothing else.

A - Why you won't are lying to me? I can see that you both are hiding your eyes from me.

Av - You want to know the truth then listen she explains everything to Akshu.

A - Neil my fear come true this is the reason I won't share anything with you. Avni, I didn't expect this and why did you do this I trusted you and said but you straightly informed him.

N - Akshu I love you more than Avni and I can't see any problem coming near to you. I didn't think that Abhimanyu birla this much worse and when he talks about you my blood is burning very. He never had a right to talk about you.

Av - Sorry akshu I couldn't see you suffering. We both love and care about you a lot so only I informed Neil. I don't want that cruel Abhimanyu should come near you.

A - Both have made a big mistake and he is ready to go to any extent to get me and I was anxious I don't know what he is going to do.

N - Akshu don't worry about him he can't do anything I beat him that much bad he won't even look at you.

A - Neil you still didn't understand him well. He called me and informed me he is going to destroy you. I can't lose you, Neil.

Akshara get a panic attack and Neil got worried seeing her in this condition and he try to control her.

N - Akshu relaxes, relax ... Take a deep breath nothing will happen to my look I am standing fit in front of you.

A - She still struggles to breathe.

N - Akshu breath in breath out... I am fine akshu...

Neil was trying to control her and suddenly a police jeep arrived at Neil's house. They go inside the house and all are shocked.

Police - Mr.Neil you are under arrest?

N - Sir what did I do? Why you are arresting me?

P - Abhimanyu Birla filed a case against you for trying to murder him.

N - Dam it! Sir, they were a mistake I didn't do anything let me explain.

A - Sir my brother never does anything like that.

N - We have proof and the constable arrested him.

Av - Sir do you have an arrest warrant without a warrant you can't arrest him it's illegal.

P - You talk everything in the court and the constable takes him.

( The police catch his collar and handcuffs and took him)

N - Avni takes care of Akshu and contacts our lawyer as soon as possible.

A - Neil don't worry I am coming with a lawyer and getting you out.

( They took him in the jeep and the news spread and the media started to raise questions about Neil)

A - As he told he did... I warned you, Avni. Look what happened now. It's all because you and Neil are now behind the lockup.

As - I tried to help and don't worry nothing happen to Neil. I contact our lawyer Jai he is arriving soon with the bail papers and get him out.

A - Avni I am also coming with you.

Av - No akshu you stay here I will handle it.

A - I am also coming

( They both leave for the police station)

( After a few minutes, they reach the police station)

( When they enter they were shocked to see constables are beaten very badly. His face and body are bleeding)

( Akshu and Avni got tears and Akshu can't see the pain)

Jai( lawyer) - Sir stop beating him and I have a bail paper leave him right now otherwise I will put the case on you and your police station.

P - I won't accept your bail and I won't release him until the person gets the complaint back.

J - Sir you're doing wrong and you can't treat my client like this.

P - Don't take a class for me and don't waste my time.

Av - Jai do something...

J - Sorry Avni madam it seems to be they are following someone's order and they won't listen to us.

A - Is there any other solution to get Neil out of jail?

J - One way you need to convince the man to get the complainant back otherwise we can't do anything.

Av - Jai it's can't be possible in another way.

J - No there is another option left. I already told you they are under someone's control.

A - Avni doesn't worry about Neil I will get him...

Av - Akshu doesn't do that? I won't allow you...

A - She looks at Avni, I have to and I am not ready to listen. I decided my Neil shouldn't suffer.

Av - Akshu I can't you to do this. Why you are being adamant we can try any other they will be a chance.

A - Avni you also listen with me that there is no option only one left that Abhimanyu.

Av - I can't send you knowingly to jump on the water. Please listen to me.

A - Sorry Avni, I decided I can't and he wants me. I will give him me.

( Akshu called Abhimanyu)

AB - Hello!

A - Akshu speaking don't cut my call ... I am ready to do anything and want to see you please...

AB - What did you say?

A - Please...

AB - Say again...

A - Please

( Abhi started to smile hearing please word from her )

AB - I am in the Shiv temple you come here.

( She cut the call and wiped her tears and correct her face, hair, and dress)

( Avni tried to convince and stop but she can't. Akshu is adamant and wants only Neil's release )

Target 20 ❤️

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