🌷Akshu Prank Gone Wrong🌷

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A - Abhi...  Abhi...

AB - Hmmm...

A - Abhi leave me please...  Look Tara is sleeping beside me. If she saw us both in this condition what would she think?

AB - He looked up,  he kissed Akshu's forehead, you always say I am a workaholic and I don't love you now I am showing the love you are being unromantic.. 

Akshu is shocked and Abhi hugs her tightly. 

AB - Sana without hugging you I couldn't sleep.  You're my peace and happiness.  I won't leave you. 

A - Oh... Abhi, you look like Damm cute yaar while sleeping. You're smiling which attracts me a lot...

Akshu tried to get out but she struck between Abhi and Tara. Even she also falls asleep...

In the morning 🌅

Sunlight reflects on Abhi's face and he opened his eyes...

A - Good morning 🌞

AB - Good morning...

Abhi immediately gets up from the bed. He was shocked to see Akshu in his bed.

AB - What are you doing in my room?  I have warned you? 

A - Ssshhh...  Tara is sleeping...

T - She opened her eyes earning Abhi's voice. She yarn and opened her eyes...

A - Good princess...

T - Ak... She hugs her...

A - Go and freshen up... I will bring you hot chocolate milk.

T - She nodded her head and ran...

AB - What are you doing in my room Akshara? 

A - She gets up from the bed... Abhi, you don't remember anything.

AB - What? 

A - Yesterday night you and I...

AB - He was shocked... What? 

A - You and I...

AB - I don't get it tell me straight...

A - Abhi how could I say... I feel shy... You and I...

AB - Akshara what happens between us?

A - How could I say... After marriage, it will happen la... That only happens between us...

AB - No way... I never cross my limit...

A - But you have crossed... Yesterday you have been drunk and you have been more romantic. Even though I said you're not steady but you don't leave me...

AB - It's won't possible...

A - Look at the hickey marks on your neck and my neck too... You have kissed me too...

AB - You took advantage of me in the drunken effect...

A - I didn't take you took me... Anyway, my body is paining I need to take a bath and I need to get ready tara for school...

AB - Akshara you're lying... I can't do that...

Akshu smiles and she leaves his room. Abhi was totally confused and he tried to remember whatever happened between them. But he couldn't remember anything and his head started to pain heavily...

Akshu goes to her room... Looking in the mirror she started to smile remembering the incident that happened. She feels her body pain because of Abhi, he held her full night and she slept in the same position as him. She laughs plays with Abhi and goes to take a bath.

Abhi came out from the bathroom and he changed the dress Tara also came down with Akshu... He looks at Akshu and hides his eyes sight...

AB - I am not hungry,  I have a meeting and drop Tara at school...

A - Wait... At least I will pack the breakfast...

AB - I don't need... He leaves immediately...

T - Ak... Baby doesn't drop me in the school and he doesn't kiss me...

A - Princess... Baby has an important meeting that is why he left... I will drop and kiss you on your forehead...

T - Okay 😔 ak...

After finishing breakfast,  akshu drops Tara at school and returns home. Abhi couldn't concentrate on work and he thought they were troubling him about Akshara... He canceled the meeting and returned home...

Akshu was standing on the balcony and getting some fresh air... She was happy and she sang a song...

Abhi came home and he heard Akshu's voice he goes to her room. He steps toward her and she also turned...

A - Abhi...

AB - Akshu I need to know only one thing.  Did I cross my limit yesterday night...

A - Whether shall I say or trouble him more...

AB - Akshara please tell me...

A - He seems to be very pitiful let's end the game... No Abhi... You didn't do anything wrong with me... Nothing happens between us and you never crossed your limit...

AB - Akshara you don't need to hide tell me straight...

A - I am not hiding anything... The real fact is nothing happened between us... Yesterday in the drunken condition you thought me had your wife and you held me and slept that it...

AB - That means I cross my limit that's why I got hickey marks...

A - No it's a lipstick mark that I mark on both necks. I just played a prank on you...

AB - Are you mad? Do you know how much I was tensed?  Don't have the sense to you play?  I already warned you not to enter my room then why did you do that? 

A - I just did it for fun... Yesterday night Tara didn't leave me so I needed to lying beside her and don't know if you will come drunk.

AB - This matter is not a playing thing... It's my mistake I shouldn't give you space. Because of you my meeting, everything has been spoiled.  I am warning you again without my permission to never enter my room...

A - I am sorry... I just...

AB - Don't say a word. I already have a headache and you made more. Irritating idiot...  Just go away from my eye sit...

A - I am sorry... I will never do this...

AB - I said not a word. Better I will leave this place. If I continue my headache will continue to trouble me..

He leaves in anger and Akshu was sad. She never knows her prank fun Abhi will take this much seriously. I need to do something and make him smile again.

Abhi on the way, parks the car on the side and he felt upset for scolding Akshu.  He thought he shouldn't behave like this for this matter. He regrets his behavior. He decided to convince Akshu and apologize for his deed.

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