😘Abhi Create Mischeif😘

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( Tara kissed Sana on tv and the screen closed)

T - Mumma... Mumma...  She ran and hugged Abhi

AB - Princess! Don't cry...  Mumma still lives in you. I see her in you every day. You are a mirror of Sana. You are my heartbeat and you're the reason I'm alive princess.

T - You're telling a lie to console me, baby.

AB - No... No... You're a mirror of Sana and I can see in your smile, naughtiness, and your behavior was the same as Sana's. I feel she is still alive in you.

T - Mom lives inside me and I look like my mom's same copy.

AB - Yes princess you're like her and I love you a lot princess...

T - I love you too baby...

Abhi and Tara hug 🤗 with a smiling faces. Abhi clears the video camera and he plays again.

Hearing Sana's lorry, Tara falls asleep in Abhi's arms and he stopped the video. He came out with Tara.

He was shocked to see Akshu was standing outside. Before Akshu could see inside he gave Tara to Akshu and he locked the door.

AB - Akshu I will come late. I have a meeting.  Don't leave Tara alone stay with her.

Abhi doesn't wait for a reply he leaves the spot immediately without eye contact with Akshu.

Akshu was confused by Abhi's behavior. A few minutes before was showing caring and now he doesn't look at me.  He ignored her and left.

Akshu took Tara to Abhi's room but before she stepped forward... she remembered Abhi scolding he doesn't like Akshu should enter his room without his permission.

When she looks at Tara,  she decides to go inside, and she put Tara in Abhi's bed and she moves. Tara holds Akshu's dress and doesn't leave. When she tried to take off her hand her face changed and Tara's sleep shouldn't disturb she lay on the other side.

Abhi was broken seeing Sana's video and got emotional.  His tears are rolling down from his eyes. He is consuming alcohol. He gets flashes of sana. He could see his beautiful moments with Sana. He smiles remembering his sana.

When the waiter informs Abhi,  the bar is going close.  He paid the bill and he took his car and drive to the house in the alcohol effect.

Akshu was looking at the time.  She called Abhi's number but he doesn't pick up. When the time passes she gets worried about Abhi, and her thoughts around Abhi, and couldn't think of anything else. 

Abhi came home and he came out of the car.  When he tried to lock he couldn't able lock the car.  Because in whisky effect. The car key seems to be 3 and he struggles to put the lock on. He gets tension and throws the key on the floor and he goes inside.

When he reached the hall no one was in the hall.  He could see everything 3. He looked at the steps and was confused to step forward.  He thought steps and fall on the floor.  He laughed and get up and he slowly hold the steps stand and he goes upstairs.

Akshu settled everything for Tara properly and she moves her dress and cover blanket. She goes and opens the door.

Abhi was holding the door 🚪 without knowing Abhi was standing she open the door and they both fall on the floor.

( They both had an eye-lock moment)

Abhi imagine Akshu has sana.

AB - Sana... Sana...

A - Abhi...

AB - Sana call me Chidkuram... I like the way you call me with your puppy face.

A - Abhi are you drunken...

AB - Sana call me Chidkuram... I want to hear from your mouth...

A - Oh no,  he is out of control.

Akshu manages somehow and they both get up...

Abhi couldn't stand properly. She held him and he hug her. Sana, I miss you so much.

A - Abhi I am not sana...  I am Akshu... She tries to bring him sense. Abhi you wait for her I get water for you...

AB - He held her waist and pulled her closer. Don't go anywhere. I love you so much.

A - Abhi you are not in control come with me...

He pulled and they both fall on the bed. Akshu was down and Abhi was upper.  He moves her hair and hides behind the ears.

AB - You are the most beautiful bride ever Sana. I love your eyes and lips. Why did you leave me? Do you know how much I miss you? Why did you do this sana? You told me we both will stay together but you left me alone. His tears fall on Akshu's face.

A - Abhi... Abhi...

AB - He kissed her cheeks 

A - She was shocked and she tried to move him away but she couldn't able get out. Abhi, you are not in the senses and leave me.

AB - I won't leave you... He hugs her and holds her tightly. His one hand was around her hip and another was holding her hand.

A - OMG 😱 I am struck... I couldn't able to move. Tara was sleeping on my side and Abhi was hugging me and not leaving me. If tara saw me in this condition it's won't be good. Abhi please leave me.

AB - Hmmm...  He hold her more and doesn't leave.

Oh no,  it's my mistake I shouldn't enter his room. I should kept tara with me in my room. It's was my mistake,  he imagine me has is wife and showing love. I never thought this will happen with me.  He came in drunken stage and trying to romance with me imagine has his wife. But I felt sad for him seeing his tears. I could understand he loved his wife a lot and something happen with her and he is hiding his wife truth from me. First I need to find out who is sana and why he wants to take revenge on my brother. What is the reason behind hiding sana's truth?


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