🌷Abhi Melted For Akshu🌷

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Akshu was thinking of doing something for Abhi at the same time, she is tense because Abhi doesn't like anything that specially she does anything . He already warns her and she doesn't have any right in the house.

She couldn't do anything in this house but she can instruct the staff. But they refused to help her. They back off because of Abhi.

Akshu got irritated and she thought about going out for some time. It's been a long time since she didn't visit her home. She misses her second and she goes to meet them. Before going she called Abhi but he didn't pick up. His phone was silent and he was busy buying flowers 🌹 for Akshara. She took a cab and she left.

After a few minutes, she reaches her sweet home. She hides her chain so that no one could find that she is married. She goes happily inside. Everyone was busy and no one noticed her entry...

A - Surprise...

( Everyone turned and was happy to see Akshu... They all hugged her and kissed her forehead )

K - Akshu ran and hugged her... Where have you been these many days? Do you know we missed you a lot? Your phone is also not reachable...

A - Take some breath... I am fine, Neil's business was at a loss, and recently someone gave a fake complaint and put him in jail and torture him very badly. After many struggles, he was out of jail.

G - Akshu, we are very sorry. We never know you have been struggling this much in your life.

K - Akshu are you married?

A - She is shocked for a second... No why did you raise this question all of a sudden?

K - You seem to be a married girl... You never wear a salwar suit or a bangle set. You always wear only a crop top and jeans. But your looks have changed it normally happens only post-marriage.

A - Kirti you're using your brain a lot and give some rest for your brain for this stupid thought. I am not married either and I thought to have some change in me.

G - You look beautiful in this suit too bata...

A - Where is Sanju? Which month is going on?

K - Don't worry she is fine... She is near the due date and takes a rest...

A - Okay let me check her...

K - I am also coming with you...

Abhi returns home to apologize to Akshu. He came with the rose 🌹 flower bouquet. He had a small smile on his lips and he entered the house and he went to the akshu room.

He knocks on the door the door has opened and he looks at Akshu around the room and she is not there. He inquired about Akshu to his staff and they informed him that she went out. Abhi's anger raised and he threw the bouquet on the sofa.

AB - Where did she go? Do you know anything about her?

Staff - Sorry sir... We saw only Madam leaves we don't know anything...

AB - Where might she go? She goes to meet her lovely brother...

Abhi took the bouquet and came out and drove the car straight to Neil's house...

( Akshu and Kriti go to see Sanju and she was shocked to see her on the floor. She got pregnancy pain and she wasn't able to get up)

A - Sanju... She ran and lifted her...

S - Akshu I have a heavy pain. Please do something...

K - Akshu her pregnancy pain started. We need to take her to the hospital...

A - No... Kirti is her water ball blast and we need to do delivery here itself...

K&S - Kya?

S - No akshu...

K - Akshu let me call the ambulance 🚑 please don't do it.

A - There is no time we need to do delivery of the baby here.

K - Akshu you never did delivery before then how could this be possible?

A - Kirti you know I have watched many videos and I know how to deliver a baby. Please trust me...

S - I trust you akshu please do something... Aaaaa... Aaaa...

A - Kriti I need some hot water and a soft towel. Before that please cover this place with a cloth.

K - Akshu let me call others...

G - There is no need... Hearing Sanjana sound we came... Sanju don't worry about your baby being safe...

( Grandma holds Sanju's hand and tries to motivate her)

A - Sanju push... I need more force... Push... Push...

S - I am trying... Did the baby come?

A - Stupid... If the baby comes she will cry...

( Kriti wasn't able to do it alone and Sanju also pushed her womb. For a second everyone was quiet. Kriti removed the cloth and Akshu held the baby and the baby cried out loud...)

A - She got tears... It's a boy... Sanju, she looks like you...

S - My son...

G - Again I became a grandmother...

K - Akshu gave the baby to me...

A - No first Sanju...

She put her baby on her chest and she could feel her. Sanju had happy tears.

( Akshu saw everyone gathered so she came out and she was shocked to see Abhi standing in the corridor.. )

A - Abhi? What are you doing here?

Kid (Shiva) - Akshu di he was wondering for you...

Abhi for a second his heart melted for akshu seeing her good side. He was totally speechless.  When he saw her delivering the baby he was surprised to see her other side.

A - Abhi...

Abhi pulled her hand and brought her out of the house...

AB - I have told you without my permission you can't go outside? 

A - I tried many times to call you but you were not reachable? Wait second how do you know I am here?  You're staking me...

AB - when I return home to see you... you're not there I get angry and I go to your home there only when I come to know that it's your happy place.  You always stay here...

A - What?  You go to neil house?  It's mean did neil know everything about us?

AB - No neil doesn't know anything... He went to the hospital with avni. One of the working staff in the home told me...

A - Okay... Why you want to see me?  You already scolded me. Is anything left.

AB - No actually...

A - Actually...

AB - I am sorry...

A - What did you say? 

AB - I am sorry... I didn't scold you like that.  I wouldn't be able to see you in a sana place that's why I reacted like that...

A - It's okay abhi,  I understand when you scold me.  Even I am also sorry.  I shouldn't play that prank. It's my mistake.

AB - No it's not your it's mine.  He gave the bouquet...

A - Abhi why did you bring these?

AB - I thought to do something for hurt you...

A - Hey we both have the same thought.  But I couldn't do anything for you because you warned me I don't have rights and the staff are back off because of your orders.

AB - Yeah,  yeah he smiles...

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