🌷 Abhira Falling For Each Other 🌷

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Now I understand why zoya warns me to be careful. Abhi snuggling into me and not leaving me. When he is drunk I can see a different abhi but when he is not drunk he becomes a monster. Actually he has not been a monster in fact, he was being sweet towards me in the past few days.

Wait a second what is happening with me. Why am I thinking like this? I am just a 6th month wife for him. Even I am name sake wife, when the contract end my marriage also end.

But still I feel some thing strange in me. Whenever he was close with me I feel the same like abhi feels. But he never allow me has his wife. I shouldn't think and my feelings are just attraction or nothing else.

Akshu waited for a while to abhi shouldn't get disturbed. She slowly moved his hand and head. She slowly get out from his grip and kept pillow on his side. She took the blanket and sleep on the sofa.

In the morning 🌅

Sunlight reflect on abhi face and he tried to cover his face with pillow but still the light disturbed and he opened his eyes. He slowly get up, his head his spinning heavily in pain.

AB - What the hell? My head his paining heavily...

A - Have this lemon juice you might feel better.

Abhi looked up at akshu...

A - What? Have this you're headache will be better.

AB - What are you doing in my room?

Akshu interrupted abhi before he could blast.

A - Wait, I know what you're going to say before that look around you're in my room.

AB - What am I doing in your room? Where is tara? I was supposed to be with her?

A - Yesterday you came injured and drunk. Zoya informed me that the doctor wants to take care of you so I bring you to my room. Tara is with zoya.

AB - Did I behave like last time I did?

A - No, you slept in bed and I slept on the sofa.

Abhi felt relieved and akshu raised questions about his injury but Abhi maintained silence. He checked his phone time was 9.30am.

Immediately he get down from the bed and get up. His foot twist and he fall on akshu and both fall down on the floor.

Abhi and akshu had eye lock moments...

Abhi get close to akshu, he hold her cheeks with palms. His breathe hit akshu face and one inch gap. Abhi was about to kiss but abhi phone beeps bring them to conscious. Akshu push abhi on the side and she get up. Abhi got up and he took his jacket and phone and left the room.

Akshu goes washroom and she shut the door. Looking the mirror, what is going on with me? My heartbeat is besting heavily. When abhi was with me I forgot everything. Even though I was about to kiss him. This not right, yesterday also I had this feeling and today again it started. Why I'm falling for abhi? I shouldn't think about it very wrong.

(In abhi room )

Abhi throw jacket and phone on the bed and he open the drawer and took sana photo and sat on the bed cornor.

I don't know why sana? I'm changing whenever akshu was with me. I don't know how but I feel the comfort and peace in akshu. Whoever she was with me I forgot everything I'm falling for her beauty and nature without conscious. But with my conscious I couldn't see her in your place.

But today I was about to kiss her. After you, I never allowed anyone to enter in my life but akshu...

How I give your place to her I couldn't imagine giving your place to her at the same I can't allow anyone keep an eye on her. Because she is mine and I only have a right on her. If anyone looks or talks about her my blood boils and I wont leave them until I put them in bad conditions. Why these thing happening with me? I totally confused sana.

Abhi ignore the thoughts and he goes to tara room.

Z - Abhi how your health now?

T - Zoya di tell baby I wont talk to him?

AB - I am fine, someone is very angry with me...

Z - You handle her I am leaving...

Abhi sat next to tara but she movers... Abhi immediate like tara.

T - Baby don't copy me? I'm very angry with you?

AB - I am sorry princess, please forgive me. Look at me, I got injury and I went to hospital. That why I couldn't able to take to the mall.

T - I don't want your reason, I was excited to go mall with you but you spoiled my happiness.

Abhi hold and make her to sit on lap...

AB - Princess 1000 times sorry, but look my condition im severely injured and doctor advice me to rest.

T - Baby, how did you got this injuries?

AB - It's a secret don't say to anyone? Yesterday, after finishing my meeting when I return home, ak brother neil came to my office and both had a fight...

T - Baby I have a doubt does ak has brother and why you both had a fight?

AB - Princess you are very smart... Our fight because of ak. His brother get angry for keeping ak in our house. He wants her to return to his house, otherwise he will come take ak. I get angry I fight with him and I said I wont allow you take ak from us . She is my princess's best friend and you can't do anything.

T - By way baby these scene similar to film. I don't believe you really did.

AB - Princess, I don't look superhero?

T - Superhero! Baby you look joker and superhero will feel bad saying this?

AB - Princess nowadays you're becoming very naughty and making fun of me 😂😂😂.

T - Baby even you wont look like a joker you seems to be mr. Bean..

AB - What? Mr. Bean? Wait I will show you...

Abhi and tara run around the room. Abhi catch tara and make to laugh. Akshu heard everything behind the wall.

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