🦋 Akshu Meet Tara 🦋

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(Abhi had put some conditions on Akshara)

AB- I have a condition that you should follow Akshara.

Akshu doesn't say anything because of the bleeding and tries to stop it.

AB- Akshara raised his voice...

( She stood up her head and looked at him )

(AB conditions )

I don't like this when I was talking should listen to me...

You don't have a right to talk in this house and you shouldn't enter my room.

Stay away from my daughter and you should stay has a staff in the house.

Akshara without my permission you shouldn't go out on behalf of my absence and you should stay around my eyes.

She is suffering a lot and her tears rolling down in the pain.

A -Abhi, you cant treat me like this? You married me and I won't be a staff in this house I am your wife and I will stay in this room.

AB - Call me Abhimanyu...
What did you say? My wife? He laughs out loud... I already told you that you're just a one-day wife to me. Tomorrow onwards you're another staff in my house.

A - Look I'm not going to follow your nonsense rules and I will do what I like. You married me because you want revenge but I need to survive in this marriage until the contract ends.

AB - I don't like someone raising their voice against me. Better you try to change otherwise I can do anything with your brother.

A - If you say I am not your wife it's won't be valid because you married me with the full ritual and officially we are husband and wife better if you change yourself otherwise no one will be there for you.

AB - He holds her neck tightly and hits on the wall... stop it... You're just a use-and-throw type for me. Once I used it another time I won't use it like that only you are for me you understand or better understand. 

A - She couldn't able to breathe her eyes are becoming red... Such a monster you are Abhimanyu Birla. One day you will regret this and I won't be there for you...

AB - He takes off his hand and he laughs again I will regret it never I won't even...

Akshu coughs and breathes heavily... She looks at him angrily and he continued to laugh at her words...

AB - He rang a bell 🔔

( A staff member arrived at his room)

( Akshu hides her tears and acts to be normal)

Staff - May I come in sir?

AB- Raj comes inside!

R - Sir what can I do for you?

AB - Raj takes her to the guest room and my floor glass pieces are there so be careful.

R - Yes sir...

( Abhi goes to the office room and Raj took Akshara to the guest room. While leaving he sign Raj)

Raj - Madam if you need any help call me and I think you need this first aid box...

A - Thank raj bhai how did you know I need this?

R - I saw you're bleeding so I thought you need this...

A - Thanks a lot Raj bhai...

R - It's okay madam good night...

( He leaves and goes to Abhi's office room and he knocks on the door)

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