🌷 Karan Entry 🌷

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In the morning 🌅

The Sunlight came inside the room through the window. Akshu was disturbed by the flash on her face.

When she opened her eyes she saw Abhi was holding her tightly and the blanket also wrapped. She struggles to get out.

Abhi's sleep was also disturbed and he opened his eyes.

AB - What are you doing akshu?

A - I am trying to get out. But a blanket is a wrap and I couldn't get out.

AB - Wait let me help you out...

A - Please do it fast...

While Abhi and Akshu trying to get out from the blanket. Tara came to the room.

T - Baby, ak...

They both are shocked to see Tara in this position.

A - For this only I said do fast look Tara came. What will she think of us in this condition?

AB - Nothing will she think... Because she knows everything...

T - Baby you both look cute. Wait let me take a picture.

A - Princess no, please help me to get out of this blanket.

T - Wait for Ak Let me take a picture Smile...

A - Abhi tells her not to take pictures and asks her to help us.

T - The baby picture was perfect, I will show it to everyone in the house.

A - Princess please don't show that I request. Abhi do something Why you're looking at me like this?

AB - Akshu's blanket is already out you're just holding it.

A - You couldn't say this before you did it internally.

AB - When did you give me a chance to say? You continue to talk and don't stop. If everyone sees it nothing going to happen.

A - For you, it's not big... But for me, it's personal and I don't like anyone seeing our picture.

AB - Our picture... Ohhhh....

A - She blushes... She got down from the bed and ran to stop Tara.

Tara descended the stairs and Akshu stopped her at the right time.

T - Ak why did you stop?

Ak - Princess I need to talk to you come with me.

T - Wait let me show this picture...

Ak - Princess... She lifts her in her arms and takes her to her room.

T - Ak why did you bring me here? Let me go...

Ak - Princess, I request please don't show this picture.

T - Why ak?

A - Princess, don't show it to anyone it should be between us. They shouldn't see this pic.

T - But why ak?

A - Princess, if you allow me to take your pic without a dress?

T - No way ak... I need privacy without a dress I won't take any pictures.

AB - In the same way this pic is not allowed to show to others.

T - Okay ak... I won't show this pic to anyone and have this phone.

AB - That's like my girl. I love you, princess, you're the best daughter.

T - Baby, I love you too but I love more ak. She hugged and kissed her.

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