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The next morning came, and Y/N as usual woke up early to make breakfast for the girls. After preparing the food, he went to knock on every of their doors to wake them up.

They all had to wake up early today to get to the airport early for their schedule in Tokyo. They freshened up and had breakfast as Y/N carried their luggage to the car to not waste time.

The girls were pretty excited for their concert in Tokyo and also looking forward to their first schedule overseas with Y/N.

After packing all of our stuffs, I made sure to lock the dorm and went to drive to the airport safely.

Not long after we arrived at the airport and we already saw fans and a lot of cameras waiting for aespa at the airport entrance.

They went out the car and did the usual, posing for the cameras before walking in to check in.

The crowd was kinda frustrating to me, the girls were pushed and shoved with gifts from the crowd. The circle that the security had formed wasn't that effective.  The girls still manage to smile and accept the gifts from them.

As we arrived at the waiting lobby where there were less fans and more peaceful, i received a phone call from an unknown number.
Winter POV

I sat down with my members and chatted about our usual stuffs. I glanced over at Y/N and saw that he was talking to someone on his phone.

After a few minutes of him talking on the phone, he ended the call and went to talk with manager unnie and it seemed like she was shocked by his words. He looked at me after his conversation with manager unnie and smiled as if nothing happened and walked away from us as he slowly disappeared from our sights.

I was confused and manager unnie walked towards us with a regretful face.

"What happened unnie? And where is Y/N oppa going?" I asked her.

"It seems like he is not coming with us to Tokyo due to emergency reasons"

"WHA- WHYY" Karina asked, shocked from the news.

"I also don't know, all he told was it's an emergency and he'll come join us the next day if he can" Manager unnie continued.

"I hope he is fine, we didn't even managed to say goodbye to him" Giselle sadly said as we all agreed with her.

Soon after we boarded the plane and took our seats. I originally planned to sit beside Y/N to play with him. Now that he's not here, the other members also seem sad and lonely.

What made him leave us that sudden. Is he hiding something from us. I thought to myself.
After a few hours, we finally arrived at our destination but somehow we felt empty. We've been on many flights before but this time it felt disappointing and dull.

Now that I think of it, we actually don't have Y/N's phone number after living with him for some time. I approached manager unnie and asked for his contact detail, good thing there wasn't any problem in the process.

As we went through the crowd of fans waiting for our arrival at the airport, we greeted and smiled at them while receiving their gifts and letters of encouragement. Not long after we got in the car that will be bringing us to our hotel to rest.

"Hey guys, should we try to call Y/N?" I asked the other members.

"Wait do you have his number?" Giselle asked with a confused face.

"I asked for it from manager unnie hehe"

"Yeah let's call him, I miss him already" Ningning pouted.

Karina took my phone and called Y/N, waiting for him to pick it up. We only heard the phone ringing and after a few minutes we just gave up.

"Maybe he's too busy right now, I'm sure he'll call back when he's free" Manager unnie spoke out from the front seat.

We all nodded and continued doing our own stuffs, but in our heads we were thinking about him, worried and curious.
We all had settled in our hotel rooms and were getting ready for bed after having dinner at a nearby ramen shop.

As i was getting ready to head to bed, someone knocked on my door. I peeped through the door to see who it was, and it was Karina unnie.

"Can't sleep huh" I chuckled at her.

"Yeah you know the drill" She replied.

"Come on in, i was just about to head to bed"

"I'm sorry for interrupting you Minjeong, Y/N is not here right now so i could only think of you"

"It's ok now let's head to sleep" I said as i laid down in bed and she followed.
There i sat in the room with my mom, comforting her as she haven't stopped crying ever since i came...............

aespa's manager (aespa X male reader)Where stories live. Discover now