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The feast of the six houses is a regular occurrence where the houses come together to discuss political matters, trade negotiations and so on - wrapped up with a celebratory feast once everything is signed and agreed on.

It is Auburndale's turn to host the event, and as a result there is an uneasy bustle around the palace with servants and soldiers alike. It hasn't escaped my notice that the guards presence and numbers have increased over the last couple of days. Any form of attack would be a perfect opportunity for an enemy if they knew all the houses were in once place.

Steve and I haven't said a word to one another in regards to what happened last week, although sometimes it feels like he is my guard rather than me being his. His presence always seems quite guarded around others - and yet when we're alone together he seems to let it down. Safe in the knowledge that no other is looking my way.

I know enough to know that the men here look at me. I am used to the attention considering it was what I was bound for. However they do not know they are in the presence of a Siren, nor do I try and let off the alluring movements or words to manipulate or shatter their minds. Our words are honey-coated, music of our call drawing them in. It's a natural reaction to them, but even we know when not to lure and trap our pray. A natural instinct for us.

I swipe an apple from the kitchens as I cut through them, the women scolding me but not stopping me. If anything they are the only ones who applaud my role and my place in the household - whereas other highborn female courtiers simply scorn. Their words are anything but kind - and how do I know? Because my kind are fortunate enough to have very good hearing as well as other senses.

The leaders of the five other houses are due to arrive late this afternoon. Tomorrow I will be relinquished of duties as Steve will be in meetings all day. Papers and agreements will be signed the following day after they have been drawn up before the celebratory feast begins.

A three day event just to grovel and write their names on paper. It sounds rather boring if I have to be honest. I can only imagine how Steve feels.

At least...I think I can.

The taut force that still insists on drawing us in now has lingered more into mind as well as body. And it's like no other pull that I've ever felt before.

Instantaneous. That's what it was/is.

"And where do you think you're heading off to?" The smooth baritone of Steve's voice now seeps down the vacant cloisters that I walk. No one has bothered to notice me - everyone too engrossed in making sure that preparations are in place for the next couple of days, but more importantly for the leaders arrival.

He's leant against the wall casually, arms folded as though he was taking a break and reflecting alone. Pushing himself off, he now joins my side. "Looking for you actually". I say, "I thought you'd be drowning in official papers and ledgers, but instead you're out here hiding". A smooth and light hearted jest.

"Tomorrow I'll be drowning", then cursing quietly to himself. "A three day event just to negotiate trade...whoever decided on this really loved duty"

"I thought you were bound by duty? You always seem to love abiding by it".

He snorts. "I'm a High Lord's son - I have to, but I don't want to". He emphasises. "We are bound by duty amongst other things, yes. But that's not the most important".

"So what is?"

"Love". He replies and begins to pace. "We need to make that connection to ensure the bloodline can still continue. A lineage not built on lies or secrets. The love needs to be felt running deep between both. My parents felt it, just like my father's before him and so on...when you know then you will know".

I wonder whether his parents actually count considering that Joseph knows nothing of Sarah's past.

"And have you felt it for anyone at court?" I question. Knowing full well that the interior tug is literally pulling it's hardest.

"No...it's a case of waiting for the right partner..." His eyes burn into mine just as they did the other night, before he then pulls me into an alcove concealed away from anyone who may pass. "Hale..." He breathes, moving a strand of hair that's come loose from my braid and is obscuring my face, "I have a proposition, but believe me it is not something to degrade you by because of your rank..."

I feel my stomach turn in knots. "What is it my lord?"

There's that look on sincerity again, meaning that what he's about to say next? It is no joke. He truly will mean what he comes out with. "I want to make an...arrangement, with you".

An arrangement...

I know full well what he is going to say. There doesn't even need to be any words spoken - especially not with the burning look he's now giving me. Even the most raging of fires would look weak in comparison.

"I see..." I say. "And will this involve me sometimes taking the night duty?" My words may be innocent, but the look isn't. I don't know why I'm not even thinking that this is the worst idea. It could show my vulnerability, I could let my guard down in the heat of the moment and then he would see me for who and what I really am.

It is literally walking into the fire and wanting to be burned until I am nothing but ash.

But I thrive on danger...

Steve nods his confirmation, his hand brushing against my arm - the tingling sensation searing through me to my core . "There won't be any fixed schedule..."

Don't do it Hale. Say no, that you're not that kind of woman. Anything that will stop you from venturing into something that you will regret.

It's been so long since I've actually been touched by a man who wasn't under my spell that my body aches and yearns for it to be enveloped within strong arms. Mortal or not...

"It will simply be casual, discreet. But it's something I need, and if I'm not mistaken, that you need too."

He can read me...

You are selling your soul! My mind screams.

My soul was sold long ago. As far as I'm concerned I don't really have one. I look up at him and nod. "As long as it is that, then I'll simply abide by your terms, my lord..."

"Steve!" Bucky's voice is now calling for him and Steve looks back before he does to me again.

"I need to go and get ready to meet the leaders. I'll see you at the feast".

I frown at this. "And what about tomorrow evening? Tonight?"

"Duties of my own are going to prevent us from crossing paths. It will be busy, but I will try to have a spare moment when I can". He takes my hands in his and brings them up to meet his lips, then letting go of them as Bucky calls for a second time - his voice growing closer to where we are. "Until next time". He promises before disappering off.

Back to his reality, while I go back to mine. 

Huntress (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now