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"Where did you go this morning?" Steve questions as we take breakfast.

I look up at him, chewing slowing down until I manage to swallow what's in my mouth - all the while my stomach is now turning. "I needed some air - what happened yesterday was on my mind and I didn't want to wake you tossing and turning".

Another lie. How many more am I going to need to give?

"I woke up and found you gone - I was worried".

I sit back and smirk. "Which one of us is the guard here? I'm perfectly capable of going for an early morning walk as well as dealing with anything that comes my way Plus I didn't go far".

He nods and continues eating, then apologising. "I'm sorry...I just - with yesterday and having to put things in place, it's hard to not think about whether a Hydra spy is within the walls".

"You think me a spy?"

"What? No! I meant that a spy could have taken you". He quickly explains. "Not that you're a spy - I trust you with my life Hale. If I didn't then you'd certainly know about it".

Yeah. I'd be rotting away in a cell or being executed.

The spring rain begins to patter down against the window panes, causing us to turn and look. I like the sound of rain as I lie in bed, the noise soothing me. It reminds me of the times we used to sit out in it as well as the storms. Not comforting when you really think about it, but to me it is. "I love the rain..." I now state, the scrape of my chair being pushed back against the floor sounding around the room as I make my way to the window.

Outside the guards are taking it in their stride with the downpour, the distant rumble of thunder is now making itself known that it is drawing nearer. All the while, I'm longing to just go outside and embrace it - but that would be frowned upon here, and for the first time in a while I find that I am missing the freedom that the home mother and I shared brought me. It's funny how the sun rose this morning, only to be replaced by clouds and rain.

"Not exactly conditions that I can concentrate in when working, but I suppose I can accept it while lying in bed". Steve says, adding some cream to the cup of thick hot chocolate the servants have brought this morning. I haven't seen him drink it before, so it must be a rare occurrence for him to have it, then again it is a little cold.

I come and sit back down opposite him, taking some of the braided bread and buttering it, also adding a couple of the strawberry parcel-like pastries to my plate. I like the fruit parcels, different fillings inside each. The pastry sealed around the edges to make a semi circle before it's baked. It's flaky texture is perfect for either breakfast or even as a small treat after supper. "Do you have any meetings today?" I ask, wondering whether he and Joseph will be exchanging strategies in case of an attack.

"No, we thought after yesterdays series of them that we'd cancel today's. If anything it's a total headache". He massages his temples now. This whole situation with the Hydra lands clearly taking a toll on him. "But I'm gonna go on patrol with Bucky and Sam later on - just so that I can see for myself what our defences are like".

"Is that a way of saying 'you're gonna be coming too Hale'? Or do you still think that I can't take care of myself?" I remind him of earlier.

He sighs. "You can come too, well you're gonna have to considering you're meant to be by my side 24/7".

"Which technically isn't true as I don't sit in on meetings". I add helpfully.

I'm glad I don't, they sound boring as hell anyway.it's something I don't envy Steve about. Having to sit through dreary nonsense about political matters amongst other things.

Huntress (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now