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I wake before dawn and quietly slip out of bed, gathering my clothes before making for my own room. Steve doesn't stir once which I'm thankful for. The last thing I want is to be caught by a servant bringing his breakfast within the next couple of hours.

The snow that had fallen weeks before has all melted away now, spring well and truly rolling in. I like the warmer days, even back before we lived on land I could never quite tolerate the winter conditions. However the conditions for ships were reckless and brought a lot of prey our way.

My room has a small bathing room with a toilet and bath, not as grand as Steve's but it's far better than having to be in the servants or guards quarters with a shared bathing room. Now as I prepare myself the most welcoming bath, I can't wait to soothe my aching muscles. A delicious reminder of last night.

Once I've sunk in and lay back, I close my eyes, thinking about only him. After the first initial round of sex, we ended up doing so once again after lying in one another's arms for an hour or so. Talking about anything and everything.

He laid everything bare to me, including his soul - admitting to me things I'd have never expected him to. Such as his thoughts on taking his father's place when the time comes.

The amount of lies I had to tell him myself don't make me proud, but I couldn't exactly tell him about my real past.

The real me.

He probably wouldn't have hesitated to execute me on the spot, but then again I wanted so much to ask his opinion on Sirens and other folk that roam the lands - but just couldn't bring myself to. Scared of what he would say.

For now? Ignorance is bliss.

My hands begin to manipulate the water, shaping it into different designs as it rises into the air from the tub until I send it back down with a splash - the droplets showering my face . Perhaps when I have a free moment I'll go down to the cove that isn't too far from here. I need to feel the salt air again. It's been a long time since I last did.

Once I've finished, I look in the mirror at myself, noting my wet hair and then in the blink of an eye, it's dry.

Much better.

Braiding it into its usual style, I dress and then head into Steve's room where I can hear him moving about, walking in and noting he's emerging from the bathing room himself. A towel around his waist as the droplets of water slide down his wet torso.

It's taking a lot to simply not have him again.

"Good morning". I smile knowingly.

"Good morning" He mirrors the same expression back, knowing exactly what I'm thinking. "You left early..."

I nod as he goes to dress behind the screen. "I know, but I figured that if a servant walked in then there would be talk - and I'd rather not be subjected to that".

He comes out from behind the screen, tunic open to expose his newly dried chest. Coming over to me, he cups my face gently in his hands and kisses me deeply. "Have you had breakfast yet?"

"I would say that you counted as that, but no. Not yet". I tease as he chuckles.

"Come and eat with me". Now pulling me over to the breakfast table regardless of whether I agree or not. But I do, sitting across from him as he takes his usual seat. "I'm planning on going hunting today, I want you to come with me".

I pour us both a cup of water. "Will anyone else be joining you".

"Only you". His eyes flicker up from his plate to meet mine.

My heart skips a little. "Alright then, when do we leave?"

"After lunch, seeing as Tony and the others will be leaving this morning I need to be there to see them off". He explains. "I saw that you were talking to Stark last night..."

I pick at the bread roll I've put on my plate. "It wasn't exactly a long conversation, but long enough. Why do you two clash so often?"

Steve sits back, finishing chewing on his apple before swallowing. "Our opinions on various things differ, but we do generally get on. It's when it gets political that we tend not to see eye to eye - but that's always the way it is when every court does trade. It's never an easy ride".

"Nothing ever is". I say a little too bitterly for my liking, and he seems to notice this.

"Look at me, complaining about the littlest of things when you've struggled..." He looks apologetic. "I didn't mean to come across so entitled".

I brush this off. "You didn't, but if you had then I'd have told you".

"I'm sure you'd have put me in place". He smirks and we continue to eat in silence, simply enjoying one another's company.


After breakfast, I accompany Steve down to the courtyard, the leaders already gathered saying thank you and their goodbyes to Sarah and Joseph. Bucky is nowhere in sight, and I wonder whether he and Natasha had said a goodbye in private, if not last night then earlier. He probably wouldn't tell me anyway, but I'd like to think there's hope for him there.

I take my place back and away from the spectacle. Keeping watch just as I note some of Natasha's widows doing exactly the same. She eventually comes over to me. "Hale, you're always welcome if saving Steve's ass becomes too much of a chore". A grin on her lips as she says this within earshot of him.

"You know what Romanoff..." He turns and threatens in jest.

"I'm just saying that if you're planning on trying to get killed then you could at least do it in a more exciting way". She states and turns back to me. "Like I said, you're always welcome - if he can spare you". Now her expression is just like Bucky's had been the other day.


"I'll be sure to visit when I get the chance".

She throws me a smile. "Good, my sister will like you - she needs more friends".

"Why didn't you bring her with you?" I now ask.

"Someone's got to stay behind and keep everyone in check - Yelena's capable of that. I trust her".

Steve now appears beside me. "That and she can break your neck without so much as pinching it".

I laugh at this, then feeling Natasha watching us intensely. "I'm sure we'd get along. Anyway I'll let you two say goodbye". I now take a step back, remembering my place and watching from the sidelines.

My place.

Where I am supposed to be.

Once everyone has said goodbye they mount their horses, guards at the ready and one by one ride out - Steve and his parents (and me behind them) watching from the top of the steps.

As the last horse finally disappears, Steve turns and now comes towards me. "Let's get going". Reverting to his normal self, most likely because he knows his parents are there.

I do as asked, following him inside to change into our hunting gear. "Yes, my lord". 

Huntress (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now