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Spring is now upon us and replacing the snow and cold are beautiful blooms of bold and pastel colours in the palace gardens. Sarah is usually out there accompanied by a lady's maid, cutting flowers and planting more. They also keep a vegetable path and fruit grove that the gardeners tend to. Sarah has her own little plot though to keep her busy, and now the weather is nicer it is where you are bound to find her.

The mild air sweeps in though the curtains across my bare back as I wake blearily from peaceful sleep. Steve is next to me, one arm draped across my body - his chest rising and falling in content motion.
I've shared many nights with him, some where we simply just want one another's presence next to one another - and others tangled up, skin slick from energetic antics.

As I go to remove his arm, he keeps it there, pulling me back against him. "Not yet" His sleepy words murmur into my ear. "Just a little longer..."

"I need to get up and dressed, you may be able to sleep in but I can't".

"Technically you're doing your job now, you're guarding me - in my bed. It counts, now stay here". He doesn't open his eyes, but is smiling because he knows I can't protest about that. There is no fear of a servant walking in either, as Steve has instructed that breakfast is to be left outside the door and he'll take it. We're always careful to keep the door locked, one close call coming just the other week when Bucky almost walked in and I had to dive behind the dressing screen until Steve convinced him to leave.

I don't even know why we bothered. I'm sure that he knows what goes on now. He spends most of his days with Steve more than I do.

Since the shield incident in the forest, I've made a mental note to myself to not try and expose who I am. Sometimes I purposely let others win in training against me - just so it makes me look a little more mortal. I haven't felt mortality in years though, it's just a case of convincing myself.

Steve now rolls onto me, pinning my arms down either side of my head and kissing me gently. "Now this? This is the morning wake up call I like", he tells me.

I moan a little as his lips connect with mine again, one of my hands trailing down his bearded cheek. "Mmm, me too". He hitches my legs up to his waist before he moves into me, my back arching against him, sending him deeper.

"You were made for me Hale..." He hisses out of frustration as he thrusts into me again harder, followed by another, and another.

Even I'm starting to think the same, although I have to remind myself that I shouldn't. I'll still be walking the earth in another hundred years time and he'll be long gone, even though his bloodline will remain.

I don't want to think about that.

I can't.

I've lost so many people already, including my real family. This is why it's dangerous to fall. Because all it ends with is death.

That's all I've ever known.

I feel him release inside of me, following shortly after and lying there to regain our breath back. Strong arms envelope my body and I close my eyes keep close - never wanting this to stop.

"Hale? You alright?" He asks and now looks down at me.

"Yeah". I say quietly, "Just thinking".


I smirk. "About how I wish I could stay here all day - but I really do need to get up, so do you".

He chuckles at this and releases me, hand trailing down my arm as I sit up before he comes to my hand, taking it and then trying to pull me back. "Ooooor, I could tell the guards to fuck off and not patrol the halls and have you scream all day for me?"

I groan and laugh lightly at the thought. "As nice as that would be, you have a meeting this afternoon, and you know that your mother would come and batter the door down to get you to go".

"She actually would". He rolls his eyes and releases my hand so I can get up, finding my clothes and then watching me throw them on. "And here was me hoping to see you walk back to your room naked?"

"Too bad". I shrug and leave him there to recover while I go to bathe and dress for the day.

It's been a while since I actually slept in my own bed...


"I think a morning ride before I have to sit through the boring stuff". Steve suggests over breakfast.

I always eat with him now, sometimes even taking supper with him too when he's not dining with his parents. We've fallen into some kind of routine that we really shouldn't have - but it's just hard not to be around him.

"You've already had that". I throw back casually, causing him to almost choke on his apple. I quickly reach over and whack him on the back, but not hard enough to do any damage. I need to act like a mortal after all. It scares me to know that I could simply break his neck with no effort, and something I try not to let cross my mind. "Better?" I enquire after he stops coughing.

"Yeah, I think..." he states and takes some water. "I wasn't expecting that comment".

"Clearly, but I'm not some prude little milk maiden who blushes at that kind of thing. I'm far from it".

"I think I guessed that by now". He grins, "But I'm not the kind of man who is bothered about purity".

I smile into my plate. "Well for us to be doing what we're doing? Obviously not". I haven't been pure for years anyway.

It will have to end eventually though.

There's some commotion coming from outside and Steve is now on his feet and by the window, then making for the door as a hurried knock comes from it.


He ignores the fact that I'm here and walks in, the look of worry etched onto his face. "You're not gonna like this..." He says to Steve.


"We found a spy from the Hydra lands just past the border...already took out three of our men - which means there could be more".

Immediately Steve tells him to take a group patrol while he deals with the spy they've hauled into the throne room.

Once Bucky is gone, he looks to me. "I'm gonna need you with me for this".

I nod and follow him out as we make for the throne room. "As you wish, my lord". I know for a fact that by the time Steve is finished with the spy? We'll be carrying out a body. 

Huntress (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now