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The agreements are drawn up and signed. Myself, Bucky and the council all watching as the leaders of the six houses all scribe their names onto it with ink and the finest of quills. Steve also signs which Bucky quietly tells me is just in case anything happens to Joseph. Otherwise negotiations would have to start afresh.

Now we've come to feast night and everyone from the courtiers to the servants are merry. I have been allowed to join in with the celebrations, however I choose to blend into the background - doing my job.

Guarding my lord.

Currently he's busy dancing with one of the women courtiers, much to the amusement of Sam and Bucky, although I've seen the latter sneaking glances to Natasha all evening. It wouldn't surprise me if they just happen to disappear from the hall soon enough. Even I'm getting bored of watching them pretend to hate one another's guts.

I watch Steve a little more, being as chivalrous as he has been to every woman who has spoke to him this evening - most of them hopeful mothers wanting to throw their daughters under his nose with the hopes of securing a wedding ring on her finger.

Leaning against one of the pillars, I drink my wine and keep a firm watch on him. And not just for the possibility of something happening to him, but more so for my enjoyment.

I feel a presence now next to me and note that Lord Stark is now stood drinking by my side. "You look bored". He notes.

"And you look like you're about to fall over my Lord".

"The ale is good, wine even better - I'm making the most of not having to start a war over trade". He says and then looks in Steve's direction. "So...is he just as boring to serve as he makes out to be".

"Oh I wouldn't say that". I say and then put the cup to my lips, taking another sip. "He's very different with the members of his household to how he is with you, but that's obvious considering class systems and all". Now shrugging it off and lying through my teeth.
If Stark even knew just how Steve is with me then he'd certainly use it to his advantage. I haven't even experienced the full extent of just how my lord plans on treating me, but I know that it's bound to be scandalous in the eyes of others if they knew.

Stark downs the last of his ale and beckons for another from a passing servant. "So how'd you end up becoming his guard girl? Because, no offence, you look like you could snap in two".

"I saved his ass, and Bucky's for that matter from some Chitauri that were stalking about the forest. He wanted to repay me".

"What? By having you follow him around and bark orders at 24/7? Doesn't seem like a deal breaker to me".

No but the sex will be.

"I asked for nothing, just a simple pair of winter gloves, but in return they gave me a job and enough money to keep my mother going. I'm not going to complain about being his 'guard girl' when my situation is better than before".

Not entirely if anyone else finds out that I'm a siren, but I'm just gonna have to play my cards right.

As I lock eyes with Steve, he gives me a curt nod which sends a shiver through me as he's signalling that the time to escape is now. "Well, my duties here are done for the night. Enjoy your evening Stark".

He simply raises his cup as I make for the doors, noting that Steve is watching me and will be joining me within the next five minutes.

Behind locked doors and away from prying eyes.


I climb the marbled staircase, the halls all but empty apart from the odd guard who simply walks them to ensure everything is ok. The portraits of various people and landscapes hung on the walls, painted by talented artists with an eye for detail and a steady hand. The only steady hand I can keep is when I can manipulate the water for my own means. Other than that, I cant write really, nor can I draw for that matter. But it has never bothered me. I've had no means to after all.

Coming to my room, I lock the door behind me and now begin to pace.

Should I keep my hair up in it's braided bun? Take it down so it can frame my face? Do I change into my nightgown? Keep on my current uniform?

I don't have time to make a decision as from within the adjourning room I hear the hefty thud of Steve's door closing, signalling that it's safe for me to enter.

Cautiously, I open the door and now walk in slowly, seeing him standing there now watching me with a hunger that needs to be fed.

We don't break eye contact...

Before I can even take another step, in a few strides he's in front of me - taking my face in his hands his mouth covers mine, tongue slipping in so as it can dance with mine.

My hands find his belt to loosen it, both of us now trying to quickly get out of our clothes like we don't have much time - even though we have all night. Soon the various garments are scattered across the floor in a trail to the bed that we've now made for and laid upon. Both of us risen up on our knees, I feel his breath on my neck behind me before one hand rests on my hip, the other trailing around to the front of me and resting between my legs.

I need him.

I need him now.

It's skin on skin, both of us pressed together while he circles my clit with two fingers, slowly dipping them into me. His lips work away at my neck, teeth scraping down to my shoulder, sometimes sucking to leave his mark on me. All the while his fingers begin to speed up, my back arches against him so as he can move in deeper.

"Look at you all nice and tight for me eh?" He hisses into my ear which only makes me moan . His other hand now clamps itself over my mouth. "I'd have you scream but we've gotta remember the guards pass outside, so keeping you quiet? It's gonna be fun to have you hold that back".

I don't think I'll be able to if the use of his fingers are anything to go by. I quickly yank the hand between my legs away and now turn around, pushing him back against the pillows and hover above him. We both let out the gasp of satisfaction as I slide onto him, his cock stretching me until he's fully inside.

Both of us finally connected.

My hips begin to move against him until we find a rhythm that is hitting all the right places. His hands move to my breasts, cupping them, rolling my nipples between his thumb and forefinger to make them taut. It only helps me along in the objective to push me over the edge. He can tell just from my now ragged breaths and tightening around him that I'm close.

At this point I don't care if I let the mask that is guarding my true self slip. Nothing else matters but the intoxicating ecstasy of him.

And I want it always...

I don't even have time to register him lift me off and throw me onto my hands and knees, a low and frustrated growl forming from the back of his throat. "Hips up, if I'm having you then we're doing it my way".
Of course I do as he says, then moaning as I feel him take me from behind, his cock beginning to slam into me, taking my breath away with every damn thrust he makes.

But he's hitting the spot and he knows it because soon I can feel the heat rising within and my head begin to spin as the climax edges closer. Walls tight around and clinging to him, I let out a cry as I release, feeling him now filling me through his last powerful thrusts until he spills out - the mixture of us both running down the inside of my thighs.

His hand threads through my hair and yanks my head back, licking and kissing my exposed neck all the way across my collarbone.

"Do you have any idea how much I've wanted to have you since I looked into those violet eyes of yours?" He tells me gruffly.

"I think I know now". I pant as we now both collapse next to one another.

He pulls me against him, my head now resting on his chest where a sheen of sweat is covering us both. "Trust me Hale, I now know I was right about you".

I listen as his heart thumps away beneath me, the tiredness now hitting. "About what?"

"You satisfy my hunger more than any damn feast could". 

Huntress (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now