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The next week, I only catch Steve every so often, the threat of an attack still imminent but yet no more 'warnings' have come. Joseph wants everyone to be on their guard though, especially seeing as it's Sarah's birthday feast this week. Of course she's lied about her age. Even I know she's hundreds of years old and yet even with her mortality she still seems to be ageing slower than the average human.

The feast itself will give everyone a chance to try and forget what has been going on, but it's also the perfect opportunity for someone to attack, so we still need to be vigilant in doing so. That means sticking by Steve's side 24/7 for the night even though I've been instructed with different duties everyday - the main one being that he's in meetings and my guard on him will not be needed.

Instead I find myself aimlessly wandering the palace and gardens, trying to make like I am actually doing something. Some days I do not leave the room at all after he tells me whether I'm needed or not.

I'm finding that sleep is harder to come by since I don't have him next to me.

And he says that he's the one in too deep...

As I head down the hallway to get out for a few hours, I see Sarah walking towards me, her skirts rustling behind her from side to side with an elegant swish. "Hale". She stops as I bow my head to her as I pass, her hand now on my arm to prevent me from going any further. "Are you not on duty today?"

"Steve has meetings, he told me to resume them once he was done". I lie, knowing he said no such thing about that. Even her look says that she's unsure whether to believe me, but nods her acceptance all the same.

"I see, well how about you come to the gardens with me. I can use the company while I do some planting". She offers.

I brush it off. "I wouldn't want to interrupt your day my lady. Plus I need to go to the armourer to get my sword sharpened". Right now I'm finding all the most lame excuses I can to get out of this. I just don't want to be plagued with questions or even talk about Steve.

"You're won't be - and it's not a request". She now eyes me and I realise that this is something I'll have to endure.

"I'd be happy to accompany you then". I say and walk with her down to storage room where the gardeners keep their things. She collects a basket, pulls some gloves onto her hands and grabs a few more things including some flowers she wants to plant - then inclining her head towards outside.

The warmth of the sunlight seeps over up, melting into my skin once we're out in the open. A few of the courtiers who are walking bow to her and bid their high lady a good morning while I tag along behind. Soon enough, she finds a spot in the form of a vacant flower bed, and sinks down on the grass.

I stand close by in silence, hands clasped in front of me as I look around. It's a nice day - good conditions for hunting. Had I have been back home with mother than no doubt I'd have been returning with plenty of kill to last us the week.

"Steve has been distant. Even I have noticed. It reminds me of how my husband can be at time...a trait it would appear my son has inherited". Sarah now speaks as she digs with the small trowel to hand. "Not to mention the night I'm now finding him slumped over his desk asleep. I haven't the heart to wake him..."

So he is sleeping in his study. I knew it.

"Why not?" I ask curiously.

"For fear of him working himself harder once he's awake again. Joseph is getting older, and I fear that soon I will lose him. Steve knows this too, which is why he is stepping up in his duties when it comes to this matter. To take the strain off of his father".

I now ask the burning question I've been wanting to for sometime. "Do you think Hydra will attack?"

She shakes her head. "Johann would be a fool to do so. He knows our defences are stronger, our numbers bigger and our allies even more so. He is all talk, yet hasn't invaded anywhere for years. I've tried telling Steve, my husband too - but as all men do, they simply choose not to listen to a voice of reason".

I feel some slight relief knowing that Johann is just trying to provoke, but feel sorry for Sarah somewhat. She gave up everything she knew for love, to be someone of council to her husband, and yet he doesn't listen to her.

If it were me in her shoes then I would be making myself heard, trying to convince my husband of these things. She's been around long enough to know after all - yet she cannot admit it. Only to me.

"I could try and speak to Steve?" I suggest, but know it could simply go the same way as our last talk did.

"Steve does as he wants, but unlike Joseph he will admit when he is wrong. She looks up at me, digging ceasing for a moment. "Something tells me that you have already tried to address the matter with him though - is that why he is cutting your duties back?"

I'm not about to admit what we spoke of but nod all the same. "There was a discussion, but he refused to listen of course, and why should he?"

"Because he trusts you". Sarah replies flatly. "It's a shame he could not see your point though, whatever you said".

"I can still keep on trying". I say, but she shakes her head.

"No, best not to press at this time. Maybe I can speak to him again - perhaps at the feast where I can try and coax him under the the influence of some ale or wine".

I accept this, hoping she can talk some sense into him where it appears I can't.


After spending the morning in Sarah's presence, I head back to my room to get my sword for the armourer (I hadn't been joking when I'd said it needed to be sharpened) and to eat something before deciding on what to do that afternoon.

What I hadn't vouched on is seeing Steve standing there on my return, looking tired. His eyes said it all. They had lost their sparkle, dark circles appearing under them. He looks like he's not slept for weeks, let alone days.

"My lord?" I ask cautiously, closing the door behind me.

"Sorry...I thought you'd have been here".

I'm not exactly one to spend the hours wasting away in my room twiddling my thumbs until he returns. Maybe he thinks I do, but I'm not about to start another argument.

"I spent the morning with your mother. She wanted the company". I tell him.

He nods and then looks at me - tired of it all. Of his duty, of life. He doesn't even have to say anything, because I know. "I just wanted to make sure that you were ok". He says. "I've barely had time to check up on anyone lately - Bucky, you, even my own mother".

"I am as you see me". I tell him. "But you should speak with your mother. She's worried".

Another silent nod before he looks back at the doorway. "I need to get back to work".

"Will I be needed on duty this afternoon?"


The answer is one I've come to accept. "No, but I'll check  in on you later tonight. I'm not expecting to be working late for once".

"Well then, have a good afternoon my lord". I say as he heads for the door then pauses as though he wants to say something.

He doesn't though, and soon I'm stood looking at the space where he'd been just moments before.

Huntress (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now