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I stand alongside Sam and Bucky as the first couple of leaders start to arrive. "House Stark and House Barton are the first to arrive, the Lords all shaking hands and talking to one another while Sarah greets their wives with grace and politeness.

"You think this is a spectacle? Then just you wait until the feast". Bucky leans in and mutters. "Stark loves nothing more than a celebration - even more so when it's about him, but anyway, you can guarantee that he'll be the life and soul of it". He continues. "He and Steve? They disagree on a lot, so if you hear arguing coming from the negotiation chamber tomorrow then you can bet your life it will be the pair of them - and all the while I'm gonna be standing by having to suffer listening to it".

I frown. "You'll be there?"

Bucky nods. "I may be Steve's best friend, but I'm also the closest advisor he has - that and I'm his second in command when it comes to the army. He values my opinion more than he really should".

"I never asked how you came to be friends? Did you grow up together?" I now ask.

"My parents were members of the court, my father was an advisor to the High Lord. Steve and I were schooled together but then came the time when many were struck down by illness that swept across the land. My parents were just two of many who never recovered. As a result my guardianship went to the High Lord and Lady, and they raised me like another son - even though they didn't have to".

So they are like family. No wonder Bucky was guarded and clearly disapproved of Steve's decision when it came to me. He protects him just as a brother would.

"I'm sorry..."

He shrugs. "It's life. People die - just a shame that it had to be my family, but I'm not going to stand and complain when I've had more of a privileged upbringing than I should have done".

I can remember my real parents. Even if it feels like a lifetime since that fateful voyage. The night the water chose me...

"How come you rarely dine with them?" I ask out of curiosity more than anything. Hopefully he won't be offended.

"Usually I'm on patrol. I only really tend to eat with them when there's a celebration such as this", he now gestures to the other leaders of the houses arriving - the courtyard now bustling with guards, servants and nobility from each.

I see him now looking in a certain direction and note a woman with red hair standing and talking to Steve, then sensing that she is obviously being watched and looking our way. Bucky quickly looks away and I realise that perhaps there is something. "She's pretty..." I note - perhaps on par of being siren worthy maybe, but I'm not going to admit that to him.

He looks to me and shifts uncomfortably. "Yeah I guess, if you like that kinda thing..." now mumbling.

"You like her". I lightly tease with a knowing smile. I can sense his arousal from a mile off.

"What? Lady Natasha?" There's a small 'pft' that escapes his lips before he now notes her coming over. "She's coming, just act normal". He hisses with urgency as Natasha now comes over and stops in front of him, looking him up and down unimpressed.


His face is stony, almost like they're putting on an act to be as awful to one another as possible. "Lady Natasha". His teeth are gritted, but I can't tell if it's from holding back the sexual tension that's clearly there or if he's faking annoyance.

She simply raises a brow and then nods to me. "A female guard? It's about time this happened, makes the place a little more interesting".

I bow my head. "Lady Natasha".

"Nat, please - Natasha makes me sound like a naughty child". Her eyes avert to Bucky before coming back to me. "So you're the one who saved this idiot and Steve from the Chitauri? I'm impressed...you should consider joining the Widows, we could always use another strong hand- men can never get the job done properly".

I note Bucky holding his tongue as well as keeping the smile from forming at the corner of his lips.

Nothing passes me.

"The widows?" I now question, as though she thinks I should know who they are.

She gestures to some of her guards behind her. Only now do I note that under their helmets, they are indeed women. I want to ask her more before I'm cut off.

"Hale is Steve's personal guard". Bucky now gets out after his brief silence. "I doubt he'd be willing to give her to you".

What am I now? A present?

Nat snorts at this. "I never said I was gonna take her? You need to lighten up Barnes, let all that tension out of these shoulders..." She reaches up to them, fingers now pressing into his skin and gripping hard. "Just like I thought". Now releasing him from her grasp and turning away. "See you at the feast..."

Somehow I think they're going to be having a feast of their own away from the prying eyes of the other Lords and the court.

"Well...she seems like a ball breaker". I comment as I watch her head for inside with her entourage.

Bucky simply stares after her in a daze. "You have no idea..."

A moment's silence passes before I simply come out with it. "You like her", but I'm hushed instantly.

"Shhh! You really wanna broadcast it to the whole of Auburndale!" He hisses and pulls me back a little way from the others. "Nat and I? We have a 'thing'..." He seems ashamed to admit this outright to be, but it's clear he needs me to know where they stand. "Only happens at these kind of things, nowhere else, then we simply go home and get on with our lives until the next time".

I roll my eyes. "You do realise that you could just court her? Maybe even tell her how you really feel?"

He shakes his head. "She's even more higher born than I was. In her eyes and her court? I'm not her equal".

"Do you have to be?" I question. "The only equality there needs to be is your feelings and love for one another. Nothing else. No status, no strength...nothing".

"She's right..." Steve's voice makes us both jump as we now realise that he is beside us. "Sorry...but Hale's right Buck, and if you thought all this time I didn't know? Well, let's just say you're both shit at being discreet".

Bucky looks at him cautiously. "Do...do your parents know?"

"No...and I'm not gonna tell them either - but they wouldn't exactly be angry. They respect Nat". He says to his friend who looks sceptical but gives in. "Now, I need Hale for a moment".

"Only a moment?" Bucky now eyes us suspiciously.

Does he know?

"Yes". Steve replies without any hesitation. "I'll see you later at dinner", gesturing for me to follow him.

Once we round the corner I stop him. "Does he know?" I ask.

"No" He replies truthfully. "He just likes to spark a reaction for fun - which brings me to the reason why I need to talk to you".

Oh hell.

I swallow and nod, waiting for him to speak until finally he does. "Feast night...that'll be the first night duty I'll need you to take". He tells me in code after spying one of the guards now patrolling down the hallway and coming towards us.

I give the guard a curt nod as he passes and then turn back to Steve once he's all but rounded the corner.

I'll be present at the feast, but we'll need to get away at different times so as we don't raise any suspicion. "I'll wait for your signal". Only now do I realise that he has my hands in his.

Did the guard see? Or did he take them once he had passed?

Silently he drops them and then nods to me once more, disappering down the hallway to go back to official business with the other leaders. 

Huntress (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now