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The Hydra spy is knelt on the floor as we walk in, Joseph glaring from his throne whilst Sarah looks worriedly on.

"Got anything out of him?" Steve now asks once we've reached his parents.

My eyes are on the spy though. Dressed in black with red, the crest of High King Johann upon his breast. All Hydra spy's and soldiers wear them, as well as have them on their shields. They are not hard to tell from the usual crowd. They stand out to be noticed. Mother always made sure we avoided that area - knowing we wouldn't come out alive. We knew a couple of sirens who were captured and used for sport by King Johann before they were killed.

"Nothing". Joseph replies, "See if you can".

Steve turns to the spy and now stands over him, an intimidating sight to anyone who is in the latter's position. "Why did you cross the border, you know what happens if you do".
The spy says nothing, Steve now taking a swinging punch to his face as we watch. "I won't ask again, why the fuck did you cross into our lands?"

The spy's head is hung, but I can see his back jolting from the silent laughter as he now looks up triumphant. "It wasn't just me...you should be mindful that we can slip through your nets - and no matter how hard you try to stop us? Cut the head off one snake? And two more shall appear".

I move forward and draw my sword. "With pleasure..." Steve's arm now extending out to block my path. "They never talk - cowards, the lot of them". I now say, "I think we need to silence him. I'm already bored". Trying to get information from one of these bastards is like trying to get blood from a stone.

Steve looks back at Joseph who nods. "Go on then". He commands and with one swift move, my sword rids the land of another Hydra supporter.

It would have been more fun to fuck with his mind and sing my song of death, drowning his lungs where he knelt. Invisible to anyone from the outside but very effective on the inside. I like to call it a party trick that we have. In my opinion, the sword was too kind and too easy of a way out for this one.

Joseph sighs and slides down his throne in defeat, thumb and forefinger massaging between his eyes. "This is the last thing we need...it will never be enough for Johann until all the lands are ruled by him alone".

"What about the Eternal lands? He'd never be able to take those. Couldn't we send word to them? Warn them about what is happening?" Sarah asks. "Surely one would answer?"

"The Eternal ones have never involved themselves, even if we were to send message to them, they would not answer. It's in their nature to turn a blind eye so it seems". Steve replies as Joseph now backs this up.

"It would only start a bigger war than what may be expected, and right now it's what I think that Johann is planning. We cannot be seen as weak either. I will send message to the other houses to up their patrols and be on the lookout for spies, but for now we need to do nothing when it comes to a response to Johann. He is expecting us to send him back a body, or something. Instead we will give him nothing".

He has a good point, even I have to agree with that.

Sarah's face is still etched with worry and now Steve takes me to one side. "Take my mother and try to calm her. I need to speak with my father about this". I realise after a moment that his hand his still on my arm, and quickly pull it away before someone sees.

He looks to my arm and then his hand, but says nothing. "We can't risk it, someone may see". I tell him quietly and walk over to Sarah. "Let's walk in the garden my lady, it will help you to clear your head of all this".

She glances to her husband who nods stiffly and then rises from her chair, gliding out whilst I follow close behind, hoping that nothing will come from this incident today.


I don't see Steve for the rest of the afternoon after I come back from my walk with Sarah. We didn't say much, and instead I stood guard whilst she busied herself with some planting, also cutting some flowers and putting them into a basket so as she could arrange them in a vase once inside.

As I finish readying myself for bed, I can hear his door shut with a heavy thud and debate going in to see him - but I open my door slightly, trying to listen and see whether he's alone.

He is, and senses my presence lingering - not even turning as he now speaks out loud. "You can come in Hale". His words as well as his voice are tired. The events of the day clearly weighing on him.

My nightgown grazes across the floor, bare feet cold against the marble as I walk to him. He's tense, I can see with how he stands - his whole body rigid. "You should get some sleep..." I state. "I can always stand guard tonight if..."

"No". The reply is firm. "It's been a long day. I just need you next to me..."

I nod with a quiet, "alright", that comes out almost inaudible.

He changes for bed while I slip into the side I've now become used to, my eyes skimming over his muscled torso as he walks out from the bathing room. He just wants my presence for tonight and I am fine with that.

I don't ask him about what he and his father have been discussing all afternoon. And even if I wanted to then I wouldn't have got an answer - because within minutes of getting into bed and taking me in his arms, he's asleep. Peace is restored for now at least. 

Huntress (Steve Rogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now