Chapter 9: Only I have the ability to crack my rib on the first day of school.

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Hey guys :) New chapter of IDY.

This one is more confusing, but stay with me, 'kay? I can assure you that the climax will not disappoint. x 

Picture of our lovely Daire at the side >>> 

:) Thanks for the support so far. Check out my fanfiction, One Frustration.

Once again, I'll be deleting 1DY if it doesn't work out. 

So Share, Vote, Comment and Fan if you don't mind? x

---Schroll down to continue---

Chapter 9: Only I have the ability to crack my rib on the first day of school.

-Clinton’s POV-

  I watched, slightly dismayed as Daire separated herself from the swarming group of wolves and walked up towards the group of assistants that stood surrounding our PE instructor. She looked like a pretty strict lady, with frizzy red hair and a scowl that seemed permanently drawn on her face.

  “Hey, dude,” I nudged Neil in the stomach as he was strolling passed me.

  He looked at me, and as I saw the flicker of respect and friendliness flit through his gray eyes, I thought for a second that he was going to greet me back in our usual way. Not just with Alpha and beta, but in a way that stated our friendship.

  But then his expression blanked and turned into a stiff mask.

  “Oh, Clinton,” I tried not to frown at the way he used my full name, “Yes?”

  He usually called me by my nickname. It had how it had always been since we were young pups. So the fact that he called me ‘Clinton’ stirred something in my head. Was he still pissed at my words this morning?

  I tried for a smile.

  “Congrats on finding your mate, man,” I said sincerely. I knew that despite his player attitude, he still yearned to find his mate and settle down.

  Once again, I saw warmth and happiness enter his gray eyes. I could tell that he was about to break into a large, enthusiastic grin of thanks, but then his eyes glazed over and he spoke.

  “Yeah, thanks,” He responded before he hesitated, “You could’ve been like how Sop and I are you know. With Daire.”

  I felt my gaze harden but held my pain in.

  “Mm,” Was all I muttered before I congratulated him again and walked off.

  I heard the coach call my name with several others as she placed me in a group. I sighed and walked towards the crowd of students that had already clustered together.

  My eyes swept towards the front of the hall again, where Daire was talking to one of the assistance. My expression grew defensive when I notice the smile on her face had turned into a scowl, and the guy was looking at her with an odd expression on his face. Did he say something rude to offend her?

  Just as I was about to stalk over, another guy came into view and cut into their conversation, whatever it was about. He nodded in understanding and explained some things to her, which led to Daire sighing, nodding and walking off towards the group opposite Vicky’s.

  I took a seat on the floor and watched as the 2 teams settled onto their positions. Daire grinned at Neil, who chatted with her briefly before the game started.

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