Chapter 10: I was looking for my pet unicorn, Bobby. Have you seen him?

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Hey peeps :) New chapter of IDY. 

This was is supposed to be longer, so I hope you're pleased with this. :) 

Picture of Dace at the side >> 

As I said, I will be deleting I Daire You if it doesn't work out.

So Vote, Comment, Promote and Fan if you find it decent. x

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Chapter 10: I was looking for my pet unicorn, Bobby. Have you seen him?

-Daire’s POV-

  So, imagine you having a cracked rib that hurts just by breathing or laughing.

  Then think about coughing; won’t that be painful?

  Added the part where you may sort of be coughing up blood?

  Yeah. Let’s keep that last one to ourselves.

  “Hey sis!”

  I turned from my locker and found Drake jogging up towards me, dressed casually in a hooded sweater and a clean pair of wash jeans. I saw a couple of single; she-wolves eye him flirtatiously as he ran a hand through his sleek, brown hair. Being the oblivious boy my brother tended to be, he strolled straight passed their low-cut tank tops. As if on cue, their faces hardened in offence and I rolled my eyes.

  I loved my awesome brother.

  “Hey,” I flashed him a slight smile and shut my locker door, pulling up my sling bag from the ground and adjusting the strap on my shoulder, “What’s up?”

  “Nothing much, you reading to go?” He responded as we started our way towards the library together. Our Biology teacher, Mister Moore was on leave today and we had a free period to do the worksheets that he had located. Drake and I decided to just have some peace and quiet in the library.

  “Sure,” I answered. We passed by the bunch of girls that had been hitting on my brother. They snickered when they saw me and I scowled at them. Drake noticed my bitter expression and followed my glare. Of course, being the Alpha’s son and an actual wolf, his snide look was a lot more levelling and intimidating. The girls pretty much gulped and scrambled away.

  I sighed as I tucked my hands into the pockets of my hoodie. It was 2 days after my little incident with a ball and a certain Vicky Hale, and word had spread around school that there was a non shifter in the house. Of course, that had gained me unwanted attention.

  Now I understood why humans despised wolves so much. Even though they didn’t know what we were, most of the werewolf population acted as though they owned the world. Talk about arrogant snobs.

  “Ignore them, Dairy,” Drake muttered, still looking annoyed. I let a slight smile slip onto my face. It warmed me up that at the very least; I had an amazing twin brother that cared so much.

  “Thanks so much, Drakes,” I told him as I linked my free arm with his. He looked surprised at my words and actions.

  “What for?”

  “For being there for me,” I grinned.

  Truth be told, I felt pretty guilty for keeping the fact that I was coughing up .. well, blood, from him. I knew he’d find out sooner or later, but Drake was already put under a lot of pressure, with Alpha training and stuff going on. Also, I knew he had been silently hoping to find his mate at the academy, but she was nowhere in sight so far.

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