Chapter 13: He gets to decide the fate of the world. No pressure though.

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Hey peeps :) New chapter. So like, just saying, but my poetry is terrible. So cut me some slack, eh? ._.

So, hope you enjoy it :)

I'm not really satisfied with this chapter, so beware for I might edit it sometime. Next update will be ... 

When I reach 7000 reads? x :D SO PROMOTE and get your friends to read it x 

Try out my other wolf story, White Feather? x 

Pic of Daire and Drake at the side >>> x Gotta love the Twin vibe, yeah? 

Vote, Comment, and Fan if you find I Daire You decent? x 

---Schroll down to continue---

Chapter 13: You basically get to decide the fate of the world. No pressure though.

-Daire's POV-

  "Daire Alexandra St Claire, why the f*ck do  you smell of Clinton Vermont?"

  I stared at Drake in blankly, unabled to take in what he had just said. 

  "Wh-" I asked in confusion. 

  "Your scent is mixed with him," Drake spat angrily.

  "So is that why you 'disappeared' into midair last night? Because you decided that you didn't want to be away from your little mate after all? I can't believe you, Daire. Out of all people, I expected you to be the furthest away from being a pushover, yet yourself be blinded by lust and-"

  "Wait," I said softly; curtly.

  Drake continued to glare at me disapprovingly.

  Slowly, my confusion faded into the mist and settled with anger.

  Anger and hurt.

  "You think I slept with Clinton?" I asked quietly.

  I felt Clinton himself tense up from where he was silent at first. Out of usual circumtances, I would've been blushing ridiculously by now. But at the exact moment, my face was hard and stiff, only 2 emotions registered on my features: Fury and disbelief.

  "Well yeah, or else what other explanation is there?" Drake snapped.

  I hated this. I hated that my own brother was using that tone with me. One filled with disapproval  and so much betrayal. He almost never did; only when I did something stupid and irrational that peeved him off.

  I hated that instead of sharp rage I was currently feeling, the emotion jabbing my chest was more accurate to numbing hurt.

   I hated that my own twin brother could think so lowly of me.

  "What, now you can't even explain it because, let me guess, your 'mate' ordered you not to?"

  Inside me, something started to stir.

  Now I felt angry.

  "If that's what you think I did that maybe you aren't the brother I thought you were after all," I practically yelled.

  Drake looked taken aback by my sudden rage for he stared at me in surprise, the glare lifting of his face for a split second before it returned. 

  From the way his blue eyes swirled into a darker colour, I knew that I had awaken his wolf. Sister or not, an Alpha didn't appreciate being spoke to like that.

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