An Odd Idea

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I woke up and glanced over at my clock, 9:12 it said. 'I guess I should get up,' I thought. I rolled out of bed and headed downstairs. My family were all getting ready to leave, my sister Alex had a dance recital and I was able to convince my parents not to make me go. "Hey Oakley!" my mom said, "We'll be leaving in a few minutes okay?"

"Sounds good mom," I replied sitting down at the kitchen table for breakfast.

"You sure you don't want to come?" asked my stepdad, Roger. 

"No I'm good. I've been to a hundred of these, and I don't want to be gone all day." Roger nodded, I don't think he wanted to go either. 

"How come Oakley doesn't have to go but I do!?" said my half-sister Penny.  She was four and really didn't like staying in one place for long. 

"Because," replied my mom, "When you're 16 you can stay home alone." Alex came down a few minutes later dressed up for the recital. They then said goodbye leaving me all alone at the kitchen table. 

Once I was done eating I went and grabbed my phone, sitting down on the couch, I scrolled through Instagram. A few minutes later I saw a video of a girl, not much older than me, wearing a diaper, 'That's odd' I thought, 'Most girls my age don't wear diapers," I continued to scroll, pretending that I didn't see what I just saw when I saw a very similar post of a girl in a pullup. I figured I should put my phone down for a bit so I turned on the TV. 

As I watched TV the images of the diaper girls filled my head. I couldn't stop thinking about them, questions filled my head, 'what's it like? does it really work? how noticeable is it?' I stopped, "Did I just ask myself how noticeable it is?" I said out loud. I looked at the time, it was 10:00, my family wouldn't be back for 6 more hours. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I flipped a coin, heads I go upstairs and put on one of Penny's pullups, or tails in which I forget the whole thing. I pulled up my phone and flipped a coin. Heads. I headed upstairs. 

I made my way to Penny's room. I went in and grabbed the box of pullups from her closet. Penny had to wear pullups whenever she slept, or if she was in a place where she didn't have great access to a bathroom, she was probably wearing one now. My heart was beating a mile a minute as I opened the box revealing the pink pullups within. I grabbed one putting the box back and heading off to my room. I slid off my pajama pants, I didn't have anything underneath, I then stuck my legs through the holes in the pullup and slid it up. 

I'm not a very big girl, I'm only around 5' 1" and I don't have very much on me, my butt isn't big and my boobs are pretty small, regardless the pullup was a tight fit. I quickly headed into the bathroom pulling up my shirt so that I could get a better look at the pink pullup. It was a bit tight but wasn't bursting at the seams. I rubbed the front feeling the soft padding rub up against my pussy. I headed back to my room putting back on my pajama pants and then heading downstairs once more. 

Around an hour passed, I had nearly forgotten about the pullup around my waist until I realized I had to pee. I got up to go to the bathroom when I remembered the pullup. 'I wanted the full experience,' I thought, 'this is it.' I took off my pants, just in case it leaked, and headed into the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet in a position that I would normally be in to pee. I took a deep breath and felt my bladder relax. A slow stream of pee began to exit my pussy into my pullup, that slow stream soon turned fast filling the pullup faster and faster. Pee flooded to every inch of the pullup searching further for fresh padding with each passing second. 

Eventually I finished. I got up off the toilet and waddled over to the mirror to assess the damage. The pink diaper had turned a dark yellow, including the back. The pullup would definitely bust if I wet it one more time. I debated with myself for a bit, 'should I put on a new one. should I just pretend this never happened and slide on some panties. what's the next step?' I came to a decision. I slid on my pants before grabbed my wallet and keys and heading out the door. 

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