Confronting Kylie

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Today was the day. I was going to confront Kylie, the girl that knew about my diapers and the girlfriend of my crush, about what she'd seen. 

It was a normal school day, I had a test in first period and I could barely focus during second period, I couldn't stop thinking about what I was going to say. Lunch thankfully came quickly and I headed out to the courtyard to eat and hopefully meet up with Kylie. I sat and ate staring at the door waiting for Kylie to come outside, Maggie noticed something was up. "Hey you alright?" she asked. 

"What?" I said, "Oh, I'm fine."

"You sure? You seem to be staring at the door pretty intensely."


"Is this about Kylie?" 


"You can't be upset about her going out with Tyler, you couldn't have done anything."

"I just want to talk with her really quick."


"Yeah," I said looking over at her.

"Please don't sabotage their relationship."

"I won't. I promise." I looked back over at the door. A few minutes later Kylie came out of the building. I quickly glanced over at Maggie who shook her head. I got up and went over to talk to her. My heart began to race. Tyler wasn't anywhere in sight, hopefully we could get this done without him coming over. "Hey Kylie!" I said. 

"Oakley right," she replied, "Tyler told me your name."

"Really you guys talked about me?" 

"Yeah just a bit. How are you?"

"What did you talk about."

"Don't worry I didn't mention the..." She glanced around before whispering, "diapers."

"I wanted to talk about that. Look. What you saw was me buying diapers for my grandma who was in town."

"Your grandma?" She sounded skeptical.

"Yeah. Our family is kinda embarrassed about her being almost completely incontinent so we don't like to talk about the diapers."

"Why were you buying them?" 

"My mom sent me so she could have more time to talk with my grandparents."

"What about the wet spot that was on your jeans?" Kylie said. I had completely forgotten about that. The pullup I had been wearing had leaked when I got in the car leaving a wet spot on my butt and around my crotch. I stood there speechless. "Your pants were wet around your butt? It didn't look like you wet your pants, or at least panties, more like there was something there, looked like some extra padding too."

"Well... I... Um..." I didn't know what to say. She had caught me in a lie and she knew the truth. Those diapers were for me. 

"Oakley?" I looked down at my feet. "Hey Oakley. I... I want you to know that... that... I-" I began to cry a bit, a couple tears rolling out of my eyes and on to my cheeks. "I won't tell Tyler. I won't tell a single soul. I swear." I looked back up at her. 

"Thanks," I said. Wiping the tears from my face. 

"Can I ask you something?" 

"I guess."

"Do you... need them?" I shook my head in response. 

"No... I was just... trying them."

"I won't tell anyone."

"Especially Tyler?"

"Especially Tyler." She came over and hugged me. I hugged her back. She put her hand on my butt, like she was trying to feel if I had a diaper on. 

"I'm not wearing one." I said. 

"Sorry. I just wanted to know." 

"If I do wear one to school. I'll tell you."

"Okay. You don't have to." We stood there hugging for a few more seconds until I was done and wanted to go back over to Maggie. 

"See you later!" I said. Kylie nodded and headed back over to her seat. I went back over to Maggie and sat down. Maggie didn't say a word, just kinda looked at me. "Don't worry Maggs."

"I'm not," she replied, "I trust you know what you're doing." 

About half an hour passed. Me and Maggie talked about Tyler and Kylie, and we talked a bit about her crush. Then a boy came over to our table. It was one of Tyler's friends, the one I didn't remember the name of. "Hi Oakley... Maggie." he said. 

"Hi," I replied, 'what's his name' I thought, 'Micheal, no. Steve, no. Ethan, no. Ben, that sounds right.'

"Hi," said Maggie, "What's your name again?" thank god she asked. 

"Ben." he replied. 'I knew it' I said to myself. "Hey um... Oakley?"

"Yeah?" I replied. 

"Do you have a... date to prom?" he said. Maggie elbowed me. 


"I was wondering if... You wanted to go with me?" Maggie elbowed me again. 

"Sure... I'd love to. Ben." He smiled. 

"Cool... um.. Can I get your number?" 

"Sure." I gave him my number and he walked back over to the bench across the courtyard where the rest of Tyler's friends sat. 

"You have a date!" exclaimed Maggie. 

"I have a date." I said. 

"Now you have to help me pick up Erica." 

"Good luck with that." I said. 

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