A Surprise

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The rest of the school year went by pretty slow. Each day I feared that Ben or Kylie would tell someone about my diapers. Thankfully exams went quick and we ended only 3 weeks after prom.

Thankfully the last day of school came. My mom changed me in the morning, I had been wetting myself over night more and more often. I put on some shorts and a baggy shirt that went down past where my shorts went, covering my diaper. The day went pretty quick, we had a couple quick exams followed by a big party during lunch. I mostly hung out with Maggie and Erica. After lunch I was able to leave school due to not having any more exams. I got in my car, sitting down feeling my soggy diaper squish up against me. I drove home. 

I got home and went inside. Immediately my mom brought me upstairs to change into a fresh diaper and some "home" clothes which were much more babyish. She changed my diaper and I hopped into a cute little onzie with horses on it before heading downstairs. I sat down on the couch, turning on the TV. "Hey," my mom said.

"Hey," I replied. 

"I have a bit of a surprise for you!" she said.

I looked up, a bit confused, "What is it?" I asked.

"I've signed you up for two camps over the summer!" 

I was a little worried, "camps?"

"Yeah!" she exclaimed, "I've signed you up for an ABDL camp for two weeks during June."

"Okay..." I said, I was a littler skeptical.

"And a potty training camp for two weeks during July!"

"Potty training!?" I exclaimed, "Why?"

"Because having to put you in diapers is a hassle. Once you're potty trained we won't have to do this anymore."

"But.... But..." I didn't want to fully admit how much I enjoyed being babied to my mom.

"Yes sweetie?" 

"I... I like my diapers."

"That's what the ABDL camp is for... A treat before we fix your accidents." My mom then got up and walked away. I couldn't really believe it. They were going to make me stop wearing them. They were the reason I was wearing them full time to begin with. They were the reason I had developed problems with being able to hold my bladder/bowels. I was just trying them, they took it too far. 

I was angry I sat there staring at the floor angrily. I started to push my bowels until all the poop I had in me was in my diaper. I sat back down in it. She would have to clean me up later. 

She changed me before my sisters got home. When they did she helped change Penny's pullup while Alex stayed downstairs watching TV. I stayed in my room the rest of the night, only coming down for dinner. She didn't come upstairs to change me before bed, so I went to bed in a clammy wet diaper, falling asleep sucking on a pacifier. 

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