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I made my way back onto the dance floor. I couldn't hide it, my diaper stunk. I went over to Maggie, "Um..." she said, "did you shit yourself?" I nodded shyly, she could tell. I said goodbye to her telling her that I couldn't risk being found out by everyone at school. I said "bye" to my other friends and went over to Ben tapping him on the shoulder. "I think we should leave," I said.

"Why?" he asked.

I sighed, "I'll explain after we leave... Sorry," He nodded before going off to say goodbye to his friends. I made my way over to the car. I opened the door and sat down inside, my messy diaper pushing up against my butt causing the poop to spread around the diaper. He came over a few minutes later. "What's going on?" he asked.

"Can you drive a bit?" I asked. He nodded putting the car in drive and pulling out of the parking lot. 

"What's that smell?" he asked. I began to blush. We drove a few minutes parking in a parking lot of one of the nearby parks. I could see him trying to find out where the smell was coming from. 

"Ben?" I said.

"Yeah." he said. 

"I have to show you something." I pulled my dress back revealing the very dirty diaper. 

"What is that?!" he said.

"A diaper..." I replied.

"Why do yo-"

"My mom makes me.... It's a long story." 

He sighed, "I umm..."

"I understand if you... want to..."

"No... Well..." I don't think he minded the diaper. But the smell was really throwing him off. 

"We can break up... I won't blame you."

He sighed again before nodding, "Thanks." he said. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. He put the car in drive and drove himself home. On the way I tried to explain the diaper to the best of my abilities but it wasn't any good. Every word I said about it just made him more and more uncomfortable. We pulled up to his house and swapped seats hugging before he headed into his house. I got in my car and drove home. 

When I got home my mom was sitting on the couch downstairs with Roger, watching TV. She got up and came over to me, "What're you doing?" she asked, "Prom doesn't end for another hour or so." I shook my head before showing my ruined diaper. "Oh my!" she exclaimed. She then held my hand and brought me upstairs laying me on a changing table and taking off my diaper. She cleaned me up and grabbed a new one sliding it under my butt and applying some powder. She then left me in my room by myself. 

She had taken off my dress before she had changed the diaper so I sat there in my room, on the floor, in nothing but a diaper. "I'm tired of being a baby!" I said out loud to myself. I got up and laid down in bed, which had recently gotten new pink princess sheets, something a child or toddler would have. I laid there on my back slowly rubbing the front of my diaper, it felt so good. That slow rubbing soon began to pick up pace. A few soft moans left my mouth as I rubbed the front faster and faster. 

A few moments later I cumed. I sat in bed gradually slowing the rubbing of the front of the diaper. I massaged my small tits before rolling over and falling to sleep in a very special wet diaper. 

The next morning I saw that Maggie had called me about 5 times after I had fallen asleep. I picked up the phone and called her to explain what had happened and how Ben and I were no longer together. She felt pretty bad for me but then quickly moved into how she had gotten laid and had crazy sex with Erica. I didn't really care, but I humored her a bit before hanging up. 

I sat there in bed just then realizing that my diaper was wet, from the... fun, and I had wet myself during the night. "I'm never going to get out of these!" I exclaimed. Luckily there were only going to be a couple more weeks of school and then I wouldn't have to be in public as much in my diapers. But sadly that also meant more time with my mom, and in turn, more time as a baby.

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