Finding Out

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It was Saturday and I was going to a sleepover at Maggie's house. That wasn't until later though. That morning I woke up to my mom coming into my room and checking my diaper. It was wet. I was kinda embarrassed about having wet the bed but my mom didn't mind and changed me out of my wet diaper. I went over to my closet after my diaper change to grab some clothes grabbing a onzie and sweatpants and t-shirt. "No," my mom said, "this is clearly a problem. Your sisters will find out sooner or later, so they might as well find out now." She took away my pants and t-shirt only letting me put on the onzie. 

I made my way downstairs sitting on the couch. "What are you wearing?" asked Alex, "Is that a... a diaper?" I glanced over at my mom. She nodded.

"Oakley has been having some accidents recently so until further notice she will be wearing diapers." my mom said. Alex started to laugh a bit. "Alex that isn't very nice." my mom said, "Until Oakley is out of diapers you have to be the big sister, so please be kind." Alex knocked it off.

"So now me and Oakley have to wear pullups?" asked Penny. 

"No, just you Penny," replied my mom, "Oakley has to wear something with a bit more protection." 

"Like a baby!" exclaimed Alex.

"Yes. Like a baby."

"So I'm the oldest? Penny's a toddler and Oakley's a baby?" asked Alex in an obnoxious tone. 

"Yes." my mom replied. I sat there blushing my face getting redder and redder with each word they said. I avoided eye contact staring at the floor. Eventually they stopped talking about it, Alex was clearly happy about being in charge, and Penny was happy about not being the only girl in pullups/diapers. 

The belittling only got worse when mom gave me a bottle of milk for breakfast. Then she gave me a pacifier to suck on when I was done. But the worst part was when I realized I had to pee. I got up to go to the bathroom, my diaper crinkling with every step, when Alex asked, "Where are you going baby?" I looked over my shoulder and quickly said. 

"Bathroom." before continuing over. Before I reached it though Roger slid by and went in. "Wait I had to go!" I exclaimed. 

"Sorry," he said. Alex got up and came over standing next to me. 

"It's okay Oakley, you have a diaper on anyway. You can just go!" I shook my head. I wasn't going to pee in front of my sisters. I focused on my bladder holding it as hard as I could, until Alex quickly tapped it, and warm pee began to trickle out into my diaper, that trickle increased in intensity until pee was flooding into my diaper. "Ewww!" yelled Alex, "Oakley wet herself!" my mom quickly came in and picked me up carrying me back upstairs to change me. 

She put a new diaper on me and went over to her room to grab a new pack of ABDL diapers she had bought online. She handed me the package and told me to pack my bag for my sleepover later. She told me that she would check my bag later for diapers and that if she didn't see them she would cancel the sleepover all together. I stayed in my room for the rest of the day until I had to leave. I packed some diapers into my bag along with pajama pants and some t-shirts. My mom checked the bag and also put powder and wipes into the bag. I put on some sweatpants and a large t-shirt, and headed out into my car driving over to Maggie's house. 

I arrived and headed up to Maggie's room to put my stuff down. Before dinner we played some video games and went outside to play with her dog for a bit. I don't think she realized the diaper thanks to my baggy clothes, even though the diaper crinkled with every step. We ate some pizza for dinner before heading up to Maggie's room to watch some TV and to hang out before we went to sleep. We watched TV and talked a bit about Maggie's crazy plan to get Erica to go out with her. We then played truth or dare. She dared me to call Ben, which I did and we all talked for a bit until he had to go. I dared her to call Erica to ask her out. Maggie picked up her phone and called her, she beat around the bush for a couple minutes until I nudged her. She came out and said it, "What are you doing next weekend?" she asked. A few minutes later Maggie hung up the phone. "Guess who just got a date!" she exclaimed. We celebrated a couple minutes before Maggie dared me to call Tyler. "No!" I said. 

"Come on!" she replied. 

"No, I won't do it!" 

"Then you have to take off a piece of clothing." Maggie said. I hadn't realized we were playing that type of game. "Come on," she said after I gave her a worried look. "Just take off your shirt!" I sighed before pulling up my pants a bit before taking off my t-shirt. I asked Maggie some crazy dare so she then also took off her shirt. She then asked me, "Do you still like Tyler" she asked, as a truth. I didn't want to answer, to be honest I kinda did, but I was going out with Ben, and if he found out he would probably be upset. I didn't want to answer. "Take off those sweatpants then!" said Maggie. I shook my head. "Come on, you got something on underneath right?" I nodded before standing up and sliding down my sweatpants revealing my -wet- diaper. Maggie stared at it for a bit. "Is that a.... a diaper?" she asked.

"Yeah." I replied shyly. 

"How... How long?"

"A little less than a week." 

"Who else knows?" 

"You, my family, and Kylie."


"She saw me buy them a couple weeks ago. My mom then caught me and is now making me wear them."

"What's.... What's it like?

"Puffy, warm after you wet them, honestly kinda comfortable."

" How many more do you have?" She asked the question I was praying she was going to ask. 

"4... Wanna try one?"

"Yes!" she exclaimed. She slid off her pants and panties before laying down and letting me slide a diaper under her butt. I applied a bit of powder before tapping the front of the diaper up. She sat back up feeling the puffy, cushioned, padding between her legs. "It is puffy." she said. 

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