An Upgrade

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I made my way to my car, the wet pullup squishing with every step. I got to the Kia Soul and got in, my pullup leaking when I put pressure on it to sit down. A small amount of pee left the pullup wetting my pants and seat. It wasn't that much so I didn't worry. I put in the address of the nearest drug store and drove off. 

It was a 15 minute drive, I lived in the middle of nowhere. Once there I got out of my car and headed inside. Once inside I looked around hoping to see nobody I knew shopping, when the coast was clear I headed towards the diaper aisle. To my dismay this was not the correct aisle. For a moment I freaked out, thinking that I came here for nothing, until I saw them. The adult diapers were in the absorbent underwear aisle. I headed over and looked around finding a package of small diapers. I grabbed the package and headed back into the other aisle to grab wipes and powder. The line took forever, my stress growing with each passing second. Eventually I was up I quickly bought the diapers avoiding eye contact with the cashier and headed out the door back to my car. 

The drive back home was quick, I was excited to try my new diapers. I pulled up to my house and grabbed the bag heading inside. Once inside I headed up to my room. My pullup was cold and I was ready to change into one of these poofy large diapers.  I went into my room and placed the supplies on the ground sitting down with them, which made a bit of pee leak out of my pullup onto my pants. I quickly opened the package and took out a diaper. It was large and white and squared up. I grabbed the powder and wipes and took off my pants. I sat there in just my soaked pullup which couldn't hold another drop. I ripped the sides and slid the pullup off. I then grabbed the fluffy diaper once more laying down and sliding the bottom of the diaper under my butt. I put some powder on then pulled up the front to strap it on. 

The diaper was just the right size. As I stood up I rubbed my hand around my butt enjoying the crinkling sounds and fluffy texture. I picked up the soiled pullup and headed to Penny's room to dispose of it. I then grabbed my pants and put them in the hamper, they weren't that wet and they would probably dry by the next laundry day. I then headed to the bathroom to check myself out. My butt had increased dramatically due to the diaper, but was pretty flat. The bottom of the diaper also hung down a bit lower than I had expected. Nevertheless I thought I looked pretty good so I headed back downstairs to watch TV. 

It was around 2:00 when I had to pee again. I had purposely drank a lot of water when I had eaten lunch to ensure that I could use the diaper strapped around my waist. The feeling started soft but as time went on my bladder couldn't hold it any more. To avoid leakage I got off the couch, just in case. I sat down on the hardwood floor spreading my legs apart. I closed my eyes and took a couple deep breaths to relax myself. I then let the pain in my bladder release. I felt a warm stream flood out into my diaper wetting the front and bottom of it. When I was done I rubbed the front of the diaper, it was warm, soothing, and the inside was wet but not clammy. I got back up to return to the couch when the diaper really began to sag. 'This is kinda heavy,' I thought. I headed upstairs to my room and went into my closet to find something to help support the diaper. I grabbed a shirt that was a little large but wasn't baggy and a pin from my drama club. I closed up the bottom of the shirt using the pin. It did alright at holding up the diaper and definitely helped with some of the weight.  I then headed back downstairs. 

Around 3:30 I had to poop. This was something that I had not been super looking forward to. I wanted to feel what it would be like but the idea of shitting myself had not been one I was super keen on. If I pooped myself I would be a baby, peeing yourself was one thing, 'people sometimes do that right?' I thought, but pooping yourself, especially if you weren't sick, made you a baby. I unstrapped the pin from the t-shirt and got on all fours. I pushed a bit and felt the warm, hot, mess exit my bowels and lay inside my diaper. "Here we go," I said out loud as I sat down causing the warm mess to spread out across the diaper. I then slowly got back squishing the butt of my diaper and the mess that was contained inside. It felt good, and after the original warmth, which was kinda hot, it was kinda fun. I sat down again, rubbing my butt against the floor enjoying the feeling of the warm diaper against my butt. But that's not all that felt good, I continued to rub my diaper against the floor, going faster and faster until. I cumed. 

I looked over at the time, 3:40. My family would be home relatively soon. I headed upstairs and went into the bathroom. I unstrapped the diaper and rolled it up before stepping in the shower to quickly clean myself up. I then grabbed a trash bag from downstairs and packed up the diaper. I put on some pants and went outside to throw it out. Lastly I went back to my room and hid my diapers in an old diaper box that stored old children's books. I moved the books to another box and filled the original box with the diapers before putting a couple books on top to hide them. I hid the powder and wipes in my bathroom and headed back downstairs. My parents would be none the wiser. 

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