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The sleepover had gone better than I could've ever imagined. We chilled with their diapers for a few hours before changing and going to bed. I was relieved that she no longer had to keep such a secret from her best friend. The only thing that I was a bit worried about now was if Ben or Tyler were to find out about the diapers. 

Prom was in a few weeks. I went shopping with Maggie to get a teal dress, Maggie got a red one. The dress was a tight squeeze over my diaper but once it was on the diaper underneath was barely noticeable, unless you knew or were staring straight at my ass, the diaper was unnoticeable. Ben got a black tuxedo with a teal vest and tie to match my dress. It was agreed that Ben would come to my house for pictures and dinner before he would drive us to prom. 

The day came more quickly than I had hoped. My mom came upstairs to help me before Ben arrived. She changed my diaper before helping me slide into my dress. Ben arrived a couple minutes later. As I made my way to the door I realized my family could easily tell Ben about my diapers, especially Alex. I would have to try to keep them away from each other to ensure that if I wanted him to know, I could tell him. I let him in and gave him a quick tour of my house before we took some pictures in front of the woods behind my house. His hand would often be on my hip and each time a picture was taken I prayed he didn't notice the extra padding around my waist. 

The pictures ended and we headed back inside. We sat around the dining room table. I sat next to my mom and Ben. Across from me sat Alex, I couldn't let her say anything. Any time Alex tried to talk I would quickly interrupt with a question about classes, or extracurriculars. 

Eventually the time came in which we could leave. We said goodbye before hopping into my car and heading over to the venue. We arrived around 7:30. Prom had started around 7:00 so we had gotten there at a good time. We walked around for a bit looking for people we knew. Eventually we found Maggie and Erica. Both of them had beautiful red dresses. We talked for a bit about what we had done before getting there and how long we were going to stay. Then we walked around a bit more looking for more people we knew. We ran into Ben's single friends, and eventually ran into Kylie and Tyler. Ben and Tyler went over and began to talk to each other I went over to say hi to Kylie. "Hi," I said to Kylie. 

"Hi Oakley!" she said. 

"You look... really good!" I told her. She was wearing a long pearl dress. 

"Thanks!" she said, "You look good too."


"Ummm..." Kylie said staring at my crotch. She was trying to tell if I was wearing a diaper. 

"Yeah, I'm wearing one." I said quietly. Kylie then came in for a hug hugging me and patting the back of my butt to feel the padding. 

She moved back, "You really are wearing one!" she said quietly but enthusiastically. A few moments later Tyler came over and said hi so Kylie and I dropped the whole diaper conversation. 

I grabbed a soda from the snack stand and went to go talk to Maggie and Erica. Talking to them was relaxing, no stress of keeping my secret, and no stress of having to talk about it. Maggie just knew, and to be honest, I didn't care if Erica knew. Talking with them was so relaxing that I didn't realize when I began to wet my diaper. What I did notice is my crotch getting warmer and warmer, and damper. I quickly squeezed the front so a bit of liquid exited the padding and was reabsorbed, I couldn't believe it. I was wetting my diaper without noticing. I shook myself out of it and continued with the conversation we were having. 

A lot of prom was walking around and talking to friends, or just saying hi to people we knew. Ben and I danced a bit, and we took some pictures, Ben and I, and Maggie and I. I tried to avoid Kylie knowing that talking to her meant talking about the diaper, and talking about the diaper meant bringing up how I had wet it. 

Eventually the junk food snacks that were there got to me and I realized I had to poop. I excused myself quickly from a conversation with Ben, Maggie, and Erica, heading to the bathroom. I headed in but it was too late. I could barely hold it and before I knew it a warm mess was sliding into my diaper and pressing up against my butt. Due to the junk food this mess stunk worse than others I had experienced.  I couldn't stay here. People would find out. I would have to tell Ben that we needed to leave which would raise suspicion and eventually lead him to finding out. I sighed before heading back out onto the dance floor. 

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