Potty Training/ Back to Normal

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Around a week after the ABDL camp had ended my mom sent me to a potty training camp. It wasn't a sleep away camp like the other one and was more like daycare. She drove me there in the morning and would pick me up in the evening. 

The first day I arrived in a diaper. They quickly changed me into a pullup and put some plastic pants on me. I looked around the camp, hoping to see someone my age, but instead all I saw was toddlers and a couple kids around 5 or 6. 

They encouraged us to use the bathroom instead of our pullups. Often if I did use the pullup they wouldn't change me for a few hours so that I could sit in it as "punishment" although I kinda liked it.

At the end of the day they would send me home without a diaper or pullup on, which resulted in a couple embarrassing accidents on the way home. Their goal seemed to ensure that we would want to be potty trained to avoid the embarrassment, although I don't think they did the same thing to the younger kids. 

Over the course of the week I had less and less accidents as my old potty training started to kick back in, but the adults running the camp continued to treat me like one of the babies. 

Luckily the week ended pretty quickly and I went home. Over the next few weeks I stopped wearing the diapers moving back into wearing panties. I had a couple accidents over the course of the summer but by the time school started I was completely dry. 

Every once in a while, when my family would leave to go to a dance competition, or a soccer match for Penny, I would indulge myself and wear one of the poofy padded undergarments that laid under my bed.

Eventually the school year ended and I went to college and found out about a club. A club for girls that liked to wear diapers. The Diaper Club

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