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I arrived home from school that day with a huge smile on my face. I walked in the door, excited to tell my mom and sisters that I had a date to prom, but when I got inside Alex and Penny were nowhere to be seen and my mom just stood there staring at me. "Hi Mom," I said as I put my stuff down, "where's Penny and Alex?"

"Oakley," my Mom said seriously, "we need to talk." My heart stopped. 

"About what?" I asked, however I knew what she was talking about, she had found them. 

"Follow me," my mom said heading up the stairs. Reluctantly I followed behind her. We reached the top and she turned the corner into my room. I followed. We got in and she closed the door behind me before heading into my closet, my heart began to race, faster and faster. She came out with the box of diapers and laid them on the bed sitting down next to them. "Oakley," she said again, "What are these?" she picked one up and showed it to me. 

"I... I don't know," I said hoping the lie would stick. 

"Why are they in your room?" 

"Those were in my room?" I tried to sound surprised. 

"Stop messing with me." I was silent. "These are diapers correct?"


"Why do you have them." I began to tear up. 

"I... I don't know." I said again. 

"Do you need them?"


"Have you been wetting the bed? Having accidents?"


"Then why do you have them?"


"Fun? What's fun about wearing diapers? Oakley?" 

"I don't know." 

"How long have you been wearing them?"

"I've only worn them once or twice." 

"I'm throwing them out." she said as she began to get up grabbing the box. 

"No!" I said, "Please don't"

"Why do you want them? You're not a baby!" 

"I like them!" I yelled. She put the box back down and began to head to the door. 

"Okay Oakley. I won't get rid of them. Please be good." She said before opening the door and heading out closing it behind her. I went and sat down on my bed staring at the box of diapers. I picked them up and put them back in my closet before heading back downstairs. I sat there quietly during dinner. I wasn't in the mood to tell them about Ben. After dinner we watched some TV before we went to bed. I took a shower. I got dressed in my pajamas, which was just a t-shirt and panties, and went to bed. 

I woke up the next morning realizing my alarm was off. I woke up and looked over at the clock, 8:00. I wasn't going to be late for school. I relaxed laying back down noticing my bed was wet. 'Why's my bed wet?' I thought to myself. I took off the covers and got out realizing that me and my bed were both soaked with pee. I had wet the bed. I stared down at my wet bed, thoughts flying through my head. What was I going to do? I glanced back at the clock, 8:05. My sisters had left for school by now with Roger, but my mom was still home. 'She's going to find out anyway' I thought before heading downstairs. 

I reached the bottom step and my mom looked over at me. She could tell something was wrong, "You alright Oakley?" she asked. I stood at the bottom of the stairs staring at my wet t-shirt. 

"I wet the bed." I said. 

"You did?" my mom asked in a very calm tone. 

"Yeah." I began to cry tears rolling down my cheeks. 

"It's okay Oakley. I'll clean it up. Come with me." she headed up the stairs and I followed my wet panties squishing with every step I took. "Take off your wet clothes." she said. I did so. "Go take a shower, get washed up, I'll be out here when you're done." I went into the bathroom and hoped into the shower turning on the water. 

When I got out I dried myself and stared at myself in the mirror for a couple minutes, 'How could I have wet the bed?' I thought, 'what am I a baby?' I exited the bathroom and headed into my room. The covers and sheets had been stripped from the bed and my mom was sitting on a dry part next to the box of diapers. "I called your school. You don't have to go in today." I was kinda thankful for that. "But I think you may need these. I'm sorry for yelling at you about them." Now she thought I needed the diapers, great. "Lay down." she said. She was going to diaper me, this was my worst nightmare. I laid down on the floor, no point in fighting it, and she came over and put a diaper on me, sliding it under my butt and applying powder before tapping the front up. "I want you to stay in this all day. Feel free to use the bathroom this is just in case. I have to run some errands I'll be back later." my mom said. 

"Okay." I replied. 

"And if your diaper is wet please tell me so that I can change you. Okay?"

"Okay, thanks mom." 

"Okay, I love you, I'll see you later." With that she got up and left heading down to her car and driving away. I sat there for a bit feeling the diaper my mom just put on me. "What have I done?" I asked myself. 

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