A Diapered Girl

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My mom arrived back home roughly an hour later. She picked up her shopping bags and came into the house putting the bags on the kitchen table. She came over to me, I was sitting on the couch, and she felt my diaper to see if I was wet. I wasn't so she went back over to the bags. She took out some groceries, she motioned for me to come over so I got off the couch and walked over to the kitchen table looking into the bag. The bag was filled with diaper supplies, baby supplies, and some baby clothes. I started pulling things out, wipes, powder, pacifiers, bottles, onzies, footy pajamas, bibs, and changing pads. "What is this stuff mom?" I asked.

"If you want to act like a baby, I'm going to treat you like one," she said, "and to do that I needed some supplies." She grabbed a onzie and grabbed my hand dragging me up the stairs. We went into my room and she took off the t-shirt I had put on over top of my diaper. She then grabbed the onzie and pulled it down over my head laying me down on my bed so that she could clasp the buttons together down at the bottom. She then handed me a pacifier and brought me back downstairs. 

For lunch she fed me applesauce with a bottle of milk, making me wear one of the bibs she had bought at the store. The milk upset my stomach a bit causing me to mess my diaper. She wasn't too happy about it, but she changed me nonetheless, taking off my onzie and diaper, wiping me off, and putting a new one on. 

I was a little scared about what Roger and my sisters would say. Mom told me to put on some normal clothes on top of my onzie and diaper before they got home. She was hoping not to tell Alex or Penny, I imagined she was going to tell Roger. She told Alex and Penny that I had been sick today, but that I was feeling better and could go back to school the next day. They didn't ask any questions. 

Before bed she came into my room to change my diaper and take out a pair of footy pajamas for me to wear overnight, even though it was supposed to get pretty hot. 

I woke up the next morning in a mostly dry, aside from the sweat from the hot pajamas, diapers. I went downstairs and ate some breakfast before going back upstairs to get ready for school. My mom had checked me to see if I was wet when I got up. When I went upstairs she followed. She came into my room and helped me get undressed; grabbing another diaper from my closet. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Grabbing a diaper for my baby girl." she replied.

"But I'm going to school today. Right?" 

"Yes you are. We wouldn't want you to have any accidents at school would we?" 

"I'm not wearing a diaper to school mom!"

"Yes you are. Now lay down on the changing mat." I reluctantly did as she asked. She then decided not to remove the diaper I was wearing, for it was still mainly dry, and instead just applied a bit of powder before tapping it back up. I put on a onzie and then some baggier clothes on over top praying nobody would be able to tell. She packed me a pretty normal lunch and I was on my way. 

I pulled up to school and rubbed the padding around my crotch. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and got out of my car heading up to the front of the school. I sat when I could, hoping nobody would see, and hoping nobody would look at my butt hard enough to realize. The baggy clothes made class less terrifying, along with the knowledge the diaper wouldn't poke out due to the onzie I had under my clothes. Then lunch came. Ben had been eating with Maggie and I, and every once in a while I had seen Kylie walking around with Tyler. I sat the whole time so neither Ben nor Maggie noticed the diaper. I would have to tell them soon enough though, Maggie asked if I wanted to have a sleepover next weekend, I said sure to seem less suspicious. Then Kylie walked past. I'd promised I would tell her if I was wearing diapers at school. So I got up, ensuring my t-shirt covered a large portion of my butt. Then I walked over. "Hi Kylie!" I said. 

"Oakley!" she replied, "How's it going?"

"I'm wearing one." I whispered to her. 

"Really?" she whispered back, "can I?" I nodded, she couldn't hurt anything. She patted my butt a bit. "You really are!" she said a bit louder. I shushed her. "My bad. Hey is that wet?" I blushed a bit. I had wet my diaper during second period, and was a little embarrassed about it. 

"Maybe a little," I whispered back.

"Do you need to change?" she asked.

"No" I replied quite quickly. I didn't want to change my diaper at school, and honestly I didn't want Kylie to see me naked. 

The rest of the day was pretty normal. My diaper continued to get clammier and clammier. Until finally the day was over. I hopped in my car, sat through some traffic, and sped home. Once home my mom brought me upstairs, changed me, and allowed me to keep on my baggy clothes so that Penny and Alex wouldn't realize. My mom was going to make me keep wearing these with no end in sight. 

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